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Vastu shastra and divorce problems

As the greater part of us live in non vastu agreeable home nowadays , as engineer makes an excellent house charging weighty expenses , yet disregards the easiest of tenets of vastu . Individuals put their life time cash in building their fantasy home . However dither in counseling a decent vastu master .

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Vastu shastra and divorce problems

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Vastu shastra and divorce problems As the greater part of us live in non vastu agreeable home nowadays , as engineer makes an excellent house charging weighty expenses , yet disregards the easiest of tenets of vastu . Individuals put their life time cash in building their fantasy home . However dither in counseling a decent vastu master . That is extremely tragic piece of the framework . Obliviousness cant dependably be a joy . The accompanying reasons are principally in charge of having battles and prompting divorce in the middle of couple. 1. Having a room in east of south east . South east , bearings . 2. Having a latrine or kitchen in south west zone . 3. Having a latrine in new zone , which is a zone of fascination . These are the principle issues and rest are minor issues which we see profoundly in the wake of doing full examination of the home . Always recall , having a major and lovely house is anything but an incredible this ,however having a cheerful and little house is better . For more Call +91- 9560522166 or visit : www.vedicastroyug.com

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