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All You know the all details of Mark Zuckerberg

information about Mark Zuckerberg

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All You know the all details of Mark Zuckerberg

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  1. All You know the all details of Mark Zuckerberg Celebrity Profiles: Mark Zuckerberg was born on May 14, 1984 in White Plains, New York to a psychiatrist mother Karen and a dentist father Edward Zuckerberg. Ever since he was young, his father, Edward, who noticed that Mark was always doing something with the computer, and he taught him the basic programming of Atari, which he knew. Mark found it easy to learn and he coached him to learn coding with a computer programmer named David. Mark, learned coding from David and used to code faster than David at one time. While all his fellow children are playing outside, Mark will do coding on the computer. And also, he used to make computer games. Thus, at the age of 12, he made Zucknet, a software similar to today's messenger. He used it to send information from home to his father's clinic and from the clinic to home. When he was studying in high school, he made a media player named Synapse, and big companies like Microsoft came forward to buy it. Those companies were even ready to give Mark a job in those companies before completing his studies, but Mark rejected them without thinking. Mark Zuckerberg joined Harvard University for his higher studies and started showing his coding talent there as well. Initially, he created a website called Face Smash- and put-up beauty contests between two boys or girls and vote on who is better. But as some girls did not like this voting, they gave a complaint to the principal of Howard and the face smash site stopped in the middle. But Mark, who was not so quick to accept failure, changed the face smash idea a bit and made a website called "The Facebook " so that anyone can post their life and photos on it and use it throughout the college. This site shook the university in no time. After that, Mark made it available to other college students as well. However, Mark felt that he was unable to develop Facebook, which was growing day by day, because of going to college, he stopped his studies in the middle and in 2004 he changed The Facebook and brought it to the public. "Facebook" that came into the world soon exceeded everyone's expectations and became a sensation on the net. Mark, who is growing fast with better ideas every moment, and he took Instagram as his own in 2012 without listening to everyone saying no. It has now Instagram become a bigger social media platform than Facebook. He got married to Priscilla Chan on May 19, 2012. In 2014, he also took over WhatsApp by paying a huge amount of 19 billion dollars. He became one of the richest people in the world by owning every company. In 2010, a biopic film called "The Social Network" was also made based on the life of Mark Zuckerberg, who was announced by Forbes magazine as a person with a net worth of 42 billion dollars in 2022. Mark, who has been developing to the surprise of everyone at every stage, and he stands as a great role model for all young people who want to grow. For latest Telugu cinema News visit HYD7AM

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