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Introduction to Human Resource Management

Introduction to Human Resource Management. HR 251 Mohammed Owais Qureshi Hashmi. محمد عويس قرشي هاشمي. الوضع الصامت. Chapter Learning Objectives. Chapter Eight: Orientation and Employees Training : 1.Define orientation. 2. Describe an orientation kit. 3. Define Training.

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Introduction to Human Resource Management

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  1. Introduction to Human Resource Management HR 251 Mohammed OwaisQureshiHashmi محمد عويس قرشي هاشمي

  2. الوضع الصامت

  3. Chapter Learning Objectives Chapter Eight: Orientation and Employees Training : 1.Define orientation. 2. Describe an orientation kit. 3. Define Training. 4. Describe needs assessment.

  4. Chapter Learning Objectives 5. Outline three categories of training objectives. 6. Methods of Training. 7. Outline the seven principles of learning.

  5. Define Orientation Orientation(اتجاه) is the introduction of new employees to the organization, work unit, and job.

  6. Describe an orientation kit An Orientation kit(عدة)is a packet(حزمة) of information given to the new employee to supplement(تكملة) the verbal(شفهي) orientation program.

  7. Define Training Training(تدريب) is a learning(تعلم) process(عملية) that involves the acquisition(اكتساب) of skills, concepts, rules, or attitudes to enhance(تعزيز) employee performance.

  8. Describe Needs Assessment Need Assessment(تقدير) is a systematic(منهجي) analysis(تحليل) of the specific(محدد) training activities(نشاط) the organization requires(تطلب) to achieve its objective.

  9. Three categories of training objectives فئة هدف Training objectives can be categorized as instructional(تعليمات) objective, organizational objective and departmental(قسم) objectives, and individual performance(الأداء الفردي) and growth(نمو) objectives

  10. Methods of Training أسلوب 1) On- the -job Training and job Rotation On the job(على وظيفة) Training that shows the employee how to perform(نفذ) the job and allows(يسمح) him or her to do it under the trainer’s(مدرب) supervision. Job rotation(تناوب) (cross training) is the training that requires an individual to learn several(عدة) different(مختلف) jobs in a work unit or department and perform each job for a specified(محدد) time period.

  11. Methods of Training 2) Apprenticeship(التمهن) Training Giving(إعطاء) instruction(تعليمات), both on and off the job, in the practical(عملي) and theoretical(نظري) aspects of the work required in a highly(جدا) skilled(ماهر) occupation. 3) Classroom Training is the most familiar(مألوف) training method; useful for quickly(بسرعة) importing information to large group with little or no knowledge of the subject.

  12. Methods of Training 4) Virtual(الظاهري) Classroom is an online teaching and learning environment that involves chat rooms, desktop video conferencing , web sites, and e-mail distribution into a typical lecture-based system.

  13. The Seven principles of learning مبادئ تعلم The Seven Principles of learning are: • Motivation(حث) to achieve(تحقيق) personal(الشخصية) goals. • Knowledge(معرفة) and results. • Reinforcement(تعزيز). • Flow(تدفق) of the training program(برنامج التدريب). • Practice and repetition(الممارسة والتكرار). • Spacing of sessions(تباعد الدورات) • Whole or part training(كليا أو جزئيا التدريب).

  14. Question’s,,,,

  15. Reference: Byars, L. and Rue, L., “Human Resource Management”, 9th , McGraw Hill, (2008).

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