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WORLD HERITAGE SITES. 2 Year Program Senior students 2-nd Semester Professor: Ludmilla Cawdrey. What is World Heritage Site?. A UNESCO World Heritage Site is a site
WORLD HERITAGE SITES • 2 Year Program • Senior students • 2-nd Semester Professor: Ludmilla Cawdrey
What is World Heritage Site? • A UNESCO World Heritage Site is a site such as a forest, mountain, lake, desert, monument, building, complex, or city that is on the list ...en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Heritage_Site • A list of areas designated as being of global importance for conservation and study UNESCO = United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization
What is included in the World Heritage List? The World Heritage List includes 890 properties forming part of the cultural and natural heritage which the World Heritage Committee (WHC) considers as having outstanding universal value. • 689 cultural • 176 natural • 25 mixed properties in 148 States Parties that have ratified the World Heritage Convention.
What is States Parties? States Parties are countries which have adhered to the World Heritage Convention. • They agree to identify and nominate properties on their national territory to be considered for inscription on the World Heritage List. • They give details of how a property is protected and provide a management plan for its upkeep. • They are expected to protect the World Heritage values of the properties inscribed and are encouraged to report periodically on their condition.
World Heritage Committee • The World Heritage Committee meets once a year, • It consists of representatives from 21 of the States Parties to the Convention elected by their General Assembly. • The 21 States Parties of the current World Heritage Committee are the following: Australia, Bahrain, Barbados, Brazil, Cambodia, China, Egypt, Estonia, Ethiopia, France, Iraq, Jordan, Mali, Mexico, Nigeria, Russian Federation, South Africa, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, United Arab Emirates
World Heritage Committee Functions: • is responsible for the implementation of the World Heritage Convention, • defines the use of the World Heritage Fund • allocates financial assistance upon requests from States Parties. • has the final say on whether a property is inscribed on the World Heritage List. • can also defer its decision and request further information on properties from the States Parties. • examines reports on the state of conservation of inscribed properties • asks States Parties to take action when properties are not being properly managed. • also decides on the inscription or deletion of properties on the List of World Heritage in Danger.
UNESCO World Heritage List • UNESCO World Heritage Centre helps protect and preserve the world's greatest landmarks http://whc.unesco.org/en/list
UNESCO World Heritage List (cont) • Afghanistan 2 Belarus 4 Cameroon 1 Cyprus 3 • Albania 2 Belgium 10 Canada 15 Czech Republic 12 • Algeria 7 Belize 1 Cape Verde 1 DR the Congo 5 • Andorra 1 Benin 1 Central African Republic 1 • Argentina 8 Bolivia 6 Chile 5 Denmark 4 • Armenia 3 Bosnia and Herzegovina2 China 38 Dominica 1 • Australia 17 Botswana 1 Colombia 6 Dominican Rpbl 1 • Austria 8 Brazil 17 Costa Rica 3 Ecuador 4 • Azerbaijan 2 Bulgaria 9 Côte d'Ivoire 3 Egypt 7 • Bahrain 1 Burkina Faso 1 Croatia 7 El Salvador 1 • Bangladesh 3 Cambodia 2 Cuba 9 Estonia 2
UNESCO World Heritage List (cont) Ethiopia 8 Honduras 2 Kazakhstan 3 Mali 4 Finland 7 Hungary 8 Kenya 4 Malta 3 France 33 Iceland 2 Korea 10 Mauritania 2 Gabon 1 India 27 Kyrgyzstan 1 Mauritius 2 Gambia 2 Indonesia 7 Lao 2 Mexico 29 Georgia 3 Iran 10 Latvia 2 Moldova 1 Germany 33 Iraq 3 Lebanon 5 Mongolia 2 Ghana 2 Ireland 2 LibyanAJ 5 Montenegro 2 Greece 17 Israel 6 Lithuania 4 Morocco 8 Guatemala 3 Italy 44 Luxembourg 1 Mozambique 1 Guinea 1 Japan 14 Madagascar 3 Namibia 1 Haiti 1 Jerusalem 1 Malawi 2 Nepal 4 Holy See 2 Jordan 3 Malaysia 3 Netherlands 8
UNESCO World Heritage List (cont) New Zealand 3 Portugal 13 South Africa 8 Nicaragua 1 Romania 7 Spain 41 Niger 1 Russian Federation 23 Sri Lanka7 Nigeria 2 Saint Kitts and Nevis 1 Sudan 1 Norway 7 Saint Lucia 1 Suriname 2 Oman 4 San Marino 1 Sweden 14 Pakistan 6 Saudi Arabia 1 Switzerland 10 Panama 5 Senegal 5 Syrian Arab Republic 5 Papua New Guinea1 Serbia 4 Tanzania, 7 Paraguay 1 Seychelles 2 Thailand 5 Peru 11 Slovakia 7 Rpbl of Macedonia 1 Philippines 5 Slovenia 1 Togo 1 Poland 13 Solomon Islands 1 Tunisia 8
UNESCO World Heritage List (cont) Turkey 9 Zimbabwe 5 Turkmenistan 3 Uganda 3 Countries with major WHSs: Ukraine 4 1. Italy 44 UK 29 2. Spain 41 USA 20 3. China 38 Uruguay 1 4. France 33 Uzbekistan 4 5. Germany 33 Vanuatu 1 6. Mexico 29 Venezuela 3 7. UK 28 Viet Nam 5 8. India 27 Yemen 4 9. Russia 23 Zambia 1 10. USA 20
A list of countries recommended for presentations: • Italy 11. Japan • Spain 12. Canada • China 13. Greece • France 14. Brazil • Germany 15. Australia • Mexico 16. Austria • UK 17. New Zealand • India 18. Cambodia • Russia 19. Korea • USA 20. Sweden
Power Point Arrangement Tips: • Don’t write entire presentation text on a slide • Don’t read from the slides • Present an outline • Choose 24 font size, sans-serif type (Arial) • Use contrasting colors • Choose white or light colored slide backgrounds • Include photographs, pictures, charts • Avoid video or make it really short • Don’t get too technical • Don’t apologize for errors – proofread! • Use the microphone • Summarize info • Send thanks
Presentation Methods! presentation a period! 1. Presentation process[10 – 15 minutes] • Present a country – its location, size, population number, population density, etc. • Present a WHS – its location, description, story, historical and cultural roots, cultural connections (with famous artists, writers, scholars, composers, etc.) 2. Get feedback[5 – 10 minutes] • Ask questions on the subject of your presentation • Prepare crosswords, puzzles, quizzes
Learning Activities 1. Individual work: (up to 15 minutes) • Listen to the presentation carefully • Make notes 2. Classroom activity: (up to 10 minutes) • Participate in feedback (answer the questions…) • Make your knowledge active 3. Group work: (up to 20 – 25 minutes) • Participate in a communicative game – discussion “Going on a trip, visiting WHSs, talking to a travel agent about the agenda and the Sites” • Presenters will help with the details
Course Methods • Preview of a WHS • Listen to a presentation • Do feedback • Speak on communicative situations • Hand-in materials: • Individual home work • Classroom activity • Individual or pair-work in class • Pair- or group-work in class • Presentation papers • CDs
Lesson Plan 1. Course preview 2. World Heritage Sites in the following countries: Italy 3. WHSs: Italy (cont) 4. WHSs: Spain 5. WHSs: Spain (cont) 6. WHSs: China 7. WHSs: France 8. WHSs: Germany 9. Midterm
Lesson Plan (cont) 10. WHSs: UK 11. WHSs: India 12. WHSs: Russia 13. WHSs: USA 14. WHSs: Japan 15. WHSs: Canada 16. WHSs: Greece 17. WHSs: Australia 18. Final test