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On manuscript preparation and journal submission: Case of MTL and JRME. Shuk-kwan S. Leung National Sun Yat-sen University law@mail.nsysu.edu.tw June 20th, 2008. Three issues to consider….
On manuscript preparation and journal submission: Case of MTL and JRME Shuk-kwan S. LeungNational Sun Yat-sen Universitylaw@mail.nsysu.edu.twJune 20th, 2008
Three issues to consider… • What are some considerations to keep in mind as I undertake my research? Will my research make a significant contribution to knowledge? (1. RESEARCH) • What qualities of my paper will make it worthy of publication? Is my message clear, powerful, accurate, and succinct? (2. MANUSCRIPT) • Is this journal a “home” for my report? (3. SUBMISSION) http://www2.nsysu.edu.tw/leung/080620/NSC_0620.html
Manuscript Preparation • Cover letter file • Manuscript file • Figures and tables • Appendix • Reference Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association http://www2.nsysu.edu.tw/leung/080620/NSC_0620.html
Some Writing Hints • Be sure your grammar is correct. • Make sure sections naturally flow from one to another. • Avoid passive voice. Use “I analyzed the data …” rather than “the data were analyzed…” • When you use words such as “it” and “this”, indicate what the referent is. http://www2.nsysu.edu.tw/leung/080620/NSC_0620.html
Key Elements of Report • Worthwhileness: Does the report add to our understanding of issues in our field? • Coherence: Did the research methods and analysis address the research questions? • Competence: Were the appropriate data collection, analyses, and interpretation techniques used? http://www2.nsysu.edu.tw/leung/080620/NSC_0620.html
Finalizing a manuscript • Ensure appropriate style guidelines are followed. • Several drafts will be needed. • Seek feedback from colleagues. • Carefully proof read. • Be aware of the requirements of the review process. http://www2.nsysu.edu.tw/leung/080620/NSC_0620.html
Submission: Which journal? • Aims and scope • Nature of articles • Journal requirements • Acceptance rate • International Standing http://www2.nsysu.edu.tw/leung/080620/NSC_0620.html
MTL (Mathematical Thinking and Learning: An International Journal) • Editor: Lyn D. English • Publisher: Taylor & Francis Group (2008~); Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.(1999~2008) http://www2.nsysu.edu.tw/leung/080620/NSC_0620.html
What articles MTL publishes? • Direct at researchers from the perspective of psychology, sociology, philosophy, anthropology, mathematics and information technology, with a particular focus on mathematical thinking, reasoning and learning. • Follow Up Activity: read appendix for MTL index and find articles in the following categories: Research articles; theoretical and philosophical analyses; special issues; books reviews; interviews with well known scientists or articles in memory of past mathematics educators. http://www2.nsysu.edu.tw/leung/080620/NSC_0620.html
MTL review process • Chief-editor makes an invitation • Reviewers reply within 6 weeks, send in a recommendation. • Chief-editor reply to authors with decision. • Reviewers can read decision letter and report of own and others’ review. • Authors send reply. http://www2.nsysu.edu.tw/leung/080620/NSC_0620.html
MTL reviewers’ recommendation: • Accept • Accept subject to revision • Reject but encourage revision and resubmission (THIS IS OFTEN THE MOST CHANLLENGING REPORT TO PREPARE BY REVIEWERS) • Reject http://www2.nsysu.edu.tw/leung/080620/NSC_0620.html
Decision Letter from MTL Editor • Don’t get upset on receipt of reviews. • Carefully analyze reviewers’ criticisms and suggestions, together with editor’s letter. • Consider each concern and determine how you will address it. • Not all reviewers’ concerns have to be addressed but most will. http://www2.nsysu.edu.tw/leung/080620/NSC_0620.html
Criticism by MTL reviewers (Read and write 1, 2, or 3?) • Not relevant to aims and scope of MTL • Lack of clear research aims, questions • Significance of study not evident (“So what?” question) • Inadequate theoretical framework • Theory presented doesn’t guide or support the study, data analysis, and findings/recommendations • Terminology not defined clearly • Weaknesses in data analysis, such as lack of clarity re coding schemes used • Lack of cohesion, poor structure, problems with written expression • Failure to adhere to the style guidelines of the journal http://www2.nsysu.edu.tw/leung/080620/NSC_0620.html
JRME (Journal for Research in Mathematics Education) • JRME is a forum for disciplined inquiry into the teaching and learning of mathematics. It is devoted to the interests of teachers of mathematics and mathematics education at all levels — preschool through adult. (7000 subscribers; 150-180 submissions per year; 10% acceptance) • Editor: Steven R. Williams • Publisher: NCTM http://www2.nsysu.edu.tw/leung/080620/NSC_0620.html
What articles JRME publishes? • We publish a variety of manuscripts: reports of research, including experiments, case studies, surveys, philosophical studies, and historical studies; articles about research, including literature reviews and theoretical analyses; brief reports of research; critiques of articles and books; and brief commentaries on issues pertaining to research. • Follow Up Activity: Go to JRME website and browse titles. http://www2.nsysu.edu.tw/leung/080620/NSC_0620.html
JRME review process • Typically 4 reviewers; I EP member (9 total) plus mix of domestic/foreign, theory/method competence, experienced/new • Reviewers are asked to evaluate the following aspects of a manuscript: Importance/Relevance; Soundness of Methodology and Argument; Quality of Presentation • Reviewers also make a publication recommendation • Usually 3-4 month review cycle. http://www2.nsysu.edu.tw/leung/080620/NSC_0620.html
JRME Reviewers’ Recommendations • Accept the manuscript “as is” (i.e., without further revisions or additional review) • Accept the manuscript pending revisions but without additional review • Reject the manuscript, but encourage the author to revise and resubmit a new version for additional review(s) • Reject the manuscript http://www2.nsysu.edu.tw/leung/080620/NSC_0620.html
Decisions from JRME Editor • Accept the manuscript (without additional review) pending receipt of a revision that incorporates all required modifications • Reject the manuscript • Reject the manuscript, but encourage the author to revise and resubmit a new version for additional review (s) http://www2.nsysu.edu.tw/leung/080620/NSC_0620.html
Common concern of reviewers: 1, 2, or 3? • Are the research questions pertain to issues of significant theoretical or pragmatic concern? Are they well-grounded in theory or in prior research? • Is there an appropriate match between the research question (s) and the methods and analyses employed to answer the question (s)? • Does the conduct of the study include the effective application of appropriate data collection, analysis, and interpretation techniques? • Are the claims and conclusions in the manuscript justified in some acceptable way, and do they logically follow from the data or information presented? • Is the writing lucid, clear, and well-organized? http://www2.nsysu.edu.tw/leung/080620/NSC_0620.html
ENDING: Authors send reply with manuscript revision • Prepare a letter to the editor explaining how you have addressed reviewer’s concerns. • Submit your revised paper and letter. • If article is totally rejected, follow suggestions for improvement and select another outlet. • If article is accepted, send to colleagues as an “In press” http://www2.nsysu.edu.tw/leung/080620/NSC_0620.html
References: • Silver, E. A., Sowder, J. T. (2006). Lecture on “Publishing Research In Mathematics Education: Advice from Two Recent Editors ofThe Journal For Research In Mathematics Education” Sowder (1996-2000); Silver (2000-2004). NSC Writing Workshops. Jan 10th, 2006, Hualin. • English, L. D. (2007). Lecture on “Publishing Your Work in Scholarly Journals and Books”, Queensland University of Technology, Jan 16th, 2007. http://www2.nsysu.edu.tw/leung/080620/NSC_0620.html
Three issues to consider… • What are some considerations to keep in mind as I undertake my research? Will my research make a significant contribution to knowledge? (1. RESEARCH) • What qualities of my paper will make it worthy of publication? Is my message clear, powerful, accurate, and succinct? (2. MANUSCRIPT) • Is this journal a “home” for my report? (3. SUBMISSION) http://www2.nsysu.edu.tw/leung/080620/NSC_0620.html