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INDIRECT EFFECTS AND CUMULATIVE IMPACTS (ICE) ANALYSES. New guidance coming from OES Spring 2014. Email questions to: OES@dot.state.oh.us. Conforms with the 2011 AASHTO Practitioner’s Handbook # 12 “Assessing Indirect Effects and Cumulative Impacts Under NEPA”
INDIRECT EFFECTS AND CUMULATIVE IMPACTS (ICE) ANALYSES New guidance coming from OES Spring 2014 Email questions to: OES@dot.state.oh.us
Conforms with the 2011 AASHTO Practitioner’s Handbook #12 “Assessing Indirect Effects and Cumulative Impacts Under NEPA” • Conforms with similar recent guidance from other state DOTs (Montana, Florida, Texas, California and Wisconsin) ICE ANALYSES
The objective of this guidance is to establish a consistent, legally sufficient, and efficient process on how to consider, analyze, and address environmental impacts from indirect effects and cumulative impacts (ICE) when developing Federal-aid transportation projects. ICE ANALYSES
Intended for ODOT and Consultant Staff. • Provides consistency of approaches on ICE analyses and when to perform one. • Not an extensive “how to” manual on ICE. (See other states manuals) ICE ANALYSES
Historical background information from FHWA, CEQ, NCHRP, and legal cases that have shaped ICE analyses Definitions of ‘direct,’ ‘indirect,’ ‘cumulative’, ‘reasonably foreseeable,’ etc. • A section to guide practitioners on determining the need for ICE Analysis on a project ICE ANALYSES
An overview section on determining indirect effects • An overview section on cumulative impacts consideration • It includes an overview of ODOT’s PDP and a section linking ICE analyses and ODOT’s PDP ICE ANALYSES
Includes references and web resources via hyperlink for easy access and reference • Information is appended to the guidance that will help practitioners with the practical application of the ICE analytical process ICE ANALYSES
ICE analysis will be required when your project has certain elements to it that could make it a risk: • New location projects, • Economic development as a primary P&N, • Substantial travel time improvements, • Project conflicts w/local zoning/planning, • The project area contains substantial plans for development… • Applies to EA/EIS documents (usually), maybe some complex CE’s. ICE ANALYSES
Final version out in late April 2014 • Paul Graham is primary author…. ICE ANALYSES