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Racism. Table of Contents. 1.An Introduction to Racism 2.The History of Racism 3.Types of Racism 4.Segregation 5.Rosa Parks 6.Dr. Martin Luther King 7. Causes of Segregation 8.Works Cited. An Introduction to Racism.
Table of Contents 1.An Introduction to Racism 2.The History of Racism 3.Types of Racism 4.Segregation 5.Rosa Parks 6.Dr. Martin Luther King 7. Causes of Segregation 8.Works Cited
An Introduction to Racism • Racism is the belief that human beings can be divided into races and that members of some races are inferior to members of other races. People who believe in racism are called racist.
The History of Racism • More than 2,000 years ago, the ancient Greeks and Romans made slaves of whom they considered inferior. • Until the early 1900’s, the Chinese viewed most foreigners as barbarians. • From the1700’s to the early 1900’s, Europeans believed black-, brown-, and yellow-skinned people had to be civilized by the superior whites.
Individual racism refers to the prejudicial beliefs and discriminatory behavior of individuals. Institutional racism refers to the policies that restrict the opportunities of minorities. Types of Racism • Environmental racism:results when individual or institutional racism produces harmful environmental effects on a group.
Segregation • The separation of groups of people by custom or by law. It is often based on differences of race, religion, wealth, or culture.
Causes of Segregation Segregation involves favored treatment for the dominant group. Most members of the dominant group have strong beliefs of superiority because of having the best education, homes and jobs. The subordinate group may have a sense of inferiority because of the lack of social, political and economic benefits denied by the system. Subordinate groups develop intense group loyalty and make special efforts to resist and overcome the limitations of separation.
Rosa Parks, who is well known for her refusal to relinquish her bus seat to a whitepassenger in Montgomery, Alabama, on December 1, 1955, was a civil rights advocate before she committed her historic and heroic act.
Dr. Martin Luther King “Free at last, free at last. Thank God Almighty, we are free at last.” Martin Luther King is one of the world’s best known advocates of non-violent social change strategies. He was elected as president for the Montgomery Bus Boycott in 1956 and made the “I Have a Dream” speech in 1963. He won a Nobel Peace Prize in December of 1964 for his contributions to the society.
Works Cited Carson, Clayborne. “King’s Biography,” MLK Online, May 8, 2002, <http://www.mlkonline.com/bio.html>. Feagin, Joe R. “Segregation,” World Book Online Americas Edition,May 6, 2002, <http://www.worldbookonline.com>. Nunn, Kenneth B. “Racism,” World Book Online Americas Edition,May 6, 2002, <http://www.worldbookonline.com>. Nunn, Kenneth B. “Types of Racism,” World Book Online Americas Edition, May 6, 2002, <http://www.worldbookonline.com>. “Rosa Parks,” Student Recourse Center, May 6, 2002, <http://tlc2.galegroup.galenet.com>