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The Department of Biochemistry of Medical Faculty. Presents now. Regulation and Pathology of Lipid Metabolism. Edited by Attila Sandor. Regulation and Pathology of L ipid M etabolism The fatty acid-glucose cycle R egu lation of cholesterol synthesis at HMG-CoA reductase the
The Department of Biochemistry of Medical Faculty Presents now Regulation and Pathology of Lipid Metabolism Edited by Attila Sandor
Regulation and Pathology of Lipid Metabolism The fatty acid-glucose cycle Regulation of cholesterol synthesis at HMG-CoA reductasethe inhibitory effect of cholesterol by covalent modification (-P) at the level of gene expression Regulation of ketogenesis at HMG-CoA synthase by succinylation changed gene expression Regulation of fatty acid synthesis at acetyl-CoA carboxylase Pathological lipid metabolism Tay-Sachs disease Propionemia, methylmalonemia Familial hypercholesterolemia Author`s picture
Combined inhibititory effect of ATP and citrate on the PFK activity Reg. in Metab. by Newsholm, 1977
The theory of glucose/fatty acid cycle The theory of the cycle states, if plasma Glc is decreased, fatty acids are mobilized from adipose tissues (fasting, effect of glucagon) and the increased fatty acid level will decrease Glc utilization, restoring Glc level and maintaining homeostasis in this way. Author`s picture
Regulation and Pathology of Lipid Metabolism The fatty acid-glucose cycle Regulation of cholesterol synthesis at HMG-CoA reductasethe inhibitory effect of cholesterol by covalent modification (-P) at the level of gene expression Regulation of ketogenesis at HMG-CoA synthase by succinylation changed gene expression Regulation of fatty acid synthesis at acetyl-CoA carboxylase Pathological lipid metabolism Tay-Sachs disease Propionemia, methylmalonemia Familial hypercholesterolemia Author`s picture
HMG-CoA is a branchpoint Cholesterol Reductase HMG-CoA synthase Cleavage enzyme Ketone bodies
HMG-CoA reductase is the regulated enzyme on the way to cholesterol synthesis HMG-CoA Phosphorylation by AMPK Cholesterol Insulin Gene Expression Glucagon Drugs (Statins)
AMP dependent Protein Kinase Authors`picture
Regulation and Pathology of Lipid Metabolism The fatty acid-glucose cycle Regulation of cholesterol synthesis at HMG-CoA reductasethe inhibitory effect of cholesterol by covalent modification (-P) at the level of gene expression Regulation of ketogenesis at HMG-CoA synthase by succinylation changed gene expression Regulation of fatty acid synthesis at acetyl-CoA carboxylase Pathological lipid metabolism Tay-Sachs disease Propionemia, methylmalonemia Familial hypercholesterolemia Author`s picture
HMG-CoA synthase is regulatorory for ketone body synthesis
Regulation of ketone body synthesis trough the HMG-CoA synthase Acetoacetyl-CoA Acetyl-CoA HMG-CoA synthase Acetyl-CoA Succinyl-CoA HMG-CoA The liver contains two HMG-CoA synthases, one cytosolic for cholesterol synthesis and an other mitochondrial rate limiting for for ketone body synthesis. The latter undergoes a short term covalent modification via succinylation/desuccinylation of pre-existing enzyme. This presents a rare way of covalent modification of an enzyme.
Regulation and Pathology of Lipid Metabolism The fatty acid-glucose cycle Regulation of cholesterol synthesis at HMG-CoA reductasethe inhibitory effect of cholesterol by covalent modification (-P) at the level of gene expression Regulation of ketogenesis at HMG-CoA synthase by succinylation changed gene expression Regulation of fatty acid synthesis at acetyl-CoA carboxylase Pathological lipid metabolism Tay-Sachs disease Propionemia, methylmalonemia Familial hypercholesterolemia Author`s picture
Regulation of acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC) CH3-COSCoA COO-CH3-COSCoA CO2-Biotin ACC acetyl-CoA malonyl-CoA Glucagon Insulin ACC, the 2nd and ATP-citrate lyase, the1st lipogenic enzymes are regulated by an inhibiting phosphorylation Stryer,5th ed. 22.26, p.625
Regulation and Pathology of Lipid Metabolism The fatty acid-glucose cycle Regulation of cholesterol synthesis at HMG-CoA reductasethe inhibitory effect of cholesterol by covalent modification (-P) at the level of gene expression Regulation of ketogenesis at HMG-CoA synthase by succinylation changed gene expression Regulation of fatty acid synthesis at acetyl-CoA carboxylase Pathological lipid metabolism Tay-Sachs disease Propionemia, methylmalonemia Familial hypercholesterolemia Author`s picture
Genetic diseasis in connection to fatty acid oxidation propionemia methylmalonyl-uria member of citric acid cycle Lehn.,4th ed.17-11 p.642
Regulation and Pathology of Lipid Metabolism The fatty acid-glucose cycle Regulation of cholesterol synthesis at HMG-CoA reductasethe inhibitory effect of cholesterol by covalent modification (-P) at the level of gene expression Regulation of ketogenesis at HMG-CoA synthase by succinylation changed gene expression Regulation of fatty acid synthesis at acetyl-CoA carboxylase Pathological lipid metabolism Tay-Sachs disease Propionemia, methylmalonemia Familial hypercholesterolemia Author`s picture
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