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Welcome to Caritas in Upperaustria!. Our mission. Help in times of need. Help in everyday life. The main aim of our work is to enable people to look after themselves on their own. . We help anyone, regardless of creed, colour, political tendencies or personal debt.
Welcome to Caritas in Upperaustria!
Our mission Help in times of need. Help in everyday life. The main aim of our work is to enable people to look after themselves on their own. We help anyone, regardless of creed, colour, political tendencies or personal debt. We respect peoples‘ dignity and accept them as they are. We do not work with their deficits, but with their resources. www.caritas-linz.at
„… We believe it‘s our mission to sharpen the social conscience of both society and the church. Therefore we strive forwards beeing socio-politicaly responsible for the welfare of all walks of life, throughout society, country and church, wherever we consider it necessary.“ Caritas-Director, Mathias Mühlberger www.caritas-linz.at
Wir bieten Hilfe. www.caritas-linz.at www.caritas-linz.at
Help for people in need in Austria. ● Citizens Advice Bureau for Austrians, EU-citizens, refugees, immigrants ● Accompanied Living Haus für Mutter und Kind, Hartlauerhof, WEGE ● Day centres - Wärmestube, FRIDA ● Integration centre - Paraplü ● Carla - Second-hand shops Commodity donations (collection and allocation)
Help for persons in need abroad. Foreign Aid ● Emergency relief and social welfare projects in partner countries ● Disaster relief ● Creation of awareness and educational work in Upper Austria ● Services for parishes and private initiatives
We encourage humanity. ●Care and nursing service ●Mobile Services assistance for the elderly and families ● Mobile palliative home care ● Home Help ● Residential houses for senior citizens ● invita psychosocial treatment and care ● Service point
We encourage integration. ● Accomodation for children, adolescents and adults with disabilities ● Nursery and Child care Integrations fo paedagogical nurseries and day-care centres ●Therapy and counselling for disabled people and their relatives ● Education and work
We assist development. ● Counselling & service ●Nurseries, Creches centres, after school care centre ●Logopaedics ● Student‘ hostels ● Publication „Our Children“
Education Careers with a future. ●Schools for social workers: Work with elderly people, families and the disabled 2 sites in Linz and an educational centre „josee“ in Ebensee. ● Adult education: Training and further education in various areas of study (e.g. hospice palliative care)
●„Close to the people“: Perceiving the need for help and linking local amenities ●Supporting parishes in their social commitments ●Seminars, lectures and workshops on Caritas-topics ●Facilitating volunteers RegionalCaritas
youngCaritas.at Service point for young people. ●Lessons for pupils and confirmation groups ●Workshops and seminars ●Organisation of visits to Caritas-institutions ●Projects, initiatives e.g. LaufWunder ●Workbooks and leaflets on social topics
Help for the needy relies on donations. • 40 % of Caritas help for „persons in need“ in Upper Austria is financed through donations. • n 82 % of Caritas help abroad is financed through donations.
How can I help? ●Financial donations: Without donations Caritas could not help in many social areas. ●Time donations (volunteer work): Visiting elderly people and care for the terminally ill. ●Commodity contributions: Linz and Braunau ●Community service: Development possibilities in over 20 Caritas institutions in OÖ
Themeoftheyear2014 Togetherwearefamily
Information centre How can I get information? + www.caritas-linz.at Caritas Information: ++43/0732/76 10 – 20 20 information@caritas-linz.at
Thank you for your attention! www.caritas-linz.at