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SEO Agency in Sydeny-Vertical Infotech

Our main aim is to provide extremely beautiful and high-quality web development services to all of our clientele. We would like to make you assure that we charge a fair and reasonable price so that our good services give a joy amongst the clients.

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SEO Agency in Sydeny-Vertical Infotech

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Presentation Transcript

  1. What is SEO? Search Engine optimization is a technique of lifting up the rank of a website in various search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing, Msn etc. The main purpose is to make website more visible in the search engines.

  2. Types of SEO? There are two types of SEO: •OFF page SEO •ON Page SEO

  3. OFF PAGE SEO Off page SEO refers to methods that could be used to enhance the position of a website or webpage in the results page. Many people associate off- page SEO with link building but it is not only that. search engine

  4. ON PAGE SEO On page SEO is a process or technique to improve the ranking of a website or webpage by updating the meta description and title tags based on the keywords.

  5. Advantages of SEO for small business • Compete With The Big Companies • Less costly To Advertise. • Can help your website to Reach New Markets within a seconds. Improve Your Website’s Usability • • Could Increase Traffic To Your Website. • Access To Customer Data • Results Are Permanent

  6. In today’s time all of the business need website and SEO services to increase their business revenues. At vertical InfoTech we give these services to business owners at cost effective price. If you are looking for genuine organization who gives quality services then we are the perfect place for you to do business.

  7. 13 Starkey Street Hurlstone Park Sydney NSW,2193 Phone 0477577050 Email Us nakinfotech@gmail.com

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