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National Strategies for Development of Official Statistics. Mustafa Dinc The World Bank Prepared for the 7th SPECA Project Working Group on Statistics (PWGS) August 28-29, 2012, Issyk-Kul, Kyrgyzstan . New Approach to Statistical Capacity Improvement.
National Strategies for Development of Official Statistics Mustafa DincThe World Bank Prepared for the 7th SPECA Project Working Group on Statistics (PWGS) August 28-29, 2012, Issyk-Kul, Kyrgyzstan
New Approach to Statistical Capacity Improvement • Coordinate support for statistics through a “system wide approach” • Increase funding for statistics • Coordinate technical assistance to countries • Build on existing mechanisms and programs, with improved monitoring and feedback • Focus on implementation of country-owned strategies • Pool donor funding to support country-led programs • Target countries with weak statistical systems and with a commitment to change The first step is to design an NSDS that could provide a country with a vision of the development of statistics and a detailed, costed action plan over a period of 5 to 10 years that covers the production of all official statistics.
2004 Marrakech Action Plan forStatistics (MAPS) Mainstream strategic planning for statistical systems and prepare national statistical development strategies for all low-income countries by 2006. A well designed plan should: • Provide detailed analysis of current strengths and weaknesses • Address national, regional and international needs for data • Be aligned with the country’s development program and poverty reduction strategy • Include all the main data producers and users • Build upon and increase the value of existing data processes • Promote data quality improvements in line with international standards and good practice • Serve as a coordinating framework for international and bilateral assistance
Progress after MAPS Source: Paris21, http://www.paris21.org/nsds-status
2011 Busan Action Plan for Statistics (BAPS) Strengthen and re-focus national statistical strategies with particular emphasis on improving statistical systems that address country-level development priorities to increase in-country capacity to respond to emerging and unforeseen data needs. • Update strategies to reflect new challenges and opportunities and integrate international and domestic data collection activities. • Prioritize implementation to ensure that crucial domestic policy priorities are addressed first • Establish partnerships among data users and producers • Improve existing data collection approaches and develop new ones that are implemented on a regular basis • Address weaknesses in vital registration systems, gender statistics and data for monitoring and evaluation of progress • Ensure that the development of sectoral data is fully integrated into and synchronized with national statistical strategies
New NSDS Guidelines • A PARIS21 Task Team is working to update the existing NSDS guidelines • New guidelines will take account of recent initiatives, share good practices in key areas, address specific needs (sectoral, fragile states, small states, sub-national and regional approaches), and emphasize the implementation • Lessons learned from previous NSDSs on preparation and implementation will be reflected • It is expected to be completed later this year
WB Programs for Supporting Statistical Capacity Development • Trust Fund for Statistical Capacity Building (TFSCB) • Statistics for Results Facility Catalytic Fund (SRF) • ECASTAT Trust Fund • Lending operations, including the STATCAP program • International Household Survey Network (IHSN) and Accelerated Data Program (ADP) • Virtual Statistical System (VSS) • Bulletin Board on Statistical Capacity • E-learning
Challenges Ahead • The budgets, human resources and IT infrastructures of statistical institutions could not keep up with the growing demand statistics. • This widening gap could be bridged by effective and efficient use of resources • Using new and innovative approaches would be needed • Greater use of administrative data • Use of new survey techniques that rely on different approaches and technologies based on various population segments • Better planning and management methods should be introduced • Existing NSDSs need to be reviewed to make them more realistic and conducive to implementation