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Diary of a W impy Kid Rodrick Rules

Diary of a W impy Kid Rodrick Rules. Being back at school is hard but now Rodrick's in charge. That’s not gonna h elp. Greg has a new problem his new diary and him and Rodrick cant stop fighting. Soon Rodrick has a party. Rodrick was annoyed at Greg so Rodrick locked him in the basement. .

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Diary of a W impy Kid Rodrick Rules

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Diary of a Wimpy KidRodrick Rules

  2. Being back at school is hard but now Rodrick's in charge. That’s not gonnahelp

  3. Greg has a new problem his new diary and him and Rodrick cant stop fighting. Soon Rodrick has a party. Rodrick was annoyed at Greg so Rodrick locked him in the basement.

  4. Back at school, Greg started the invisible Chirag joke. Rowely is the only flaw but Greg keeps the joke going.

  5. Remember Rodrick’s party well, he got busted for it. At the end its is time to show some respect.

  6. Rodrick has his chance for fame

  7. It is a good book • I give it 8/10 becuase Its by Jeff Kinney Its part of a series


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