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Health Benefits Of Quitting Smoking And Alternatives

Quitting smoking is always a welcome move. And it certainly makes things easy to consider smoking alternatives. Unfortunately, the new guidelines in Australia around liquid nicotine demand a prescription for procuring smoking cessation medication. So, itu2019s recommended that you see a TGA-authorised prescriber. That way, your condition can be accessed medically to prescribe nicotine for long-term smoking cessation or pharmacotherapy.<br>Visit - https://wellbeingmedicalcentre.com.au/solutions/quit-smoking/

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Health Benefits Of Quitting Smoking And Alternatives

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  1. Health Benefits Of Quitting Smoking And Alternatives

  2. Introduction Giving up on cigarettes could be one of the best decisions of your life. It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been smoking. Quitting smoking has endless benefits. ● It significantly reduces the chance of premature death. Research has shown quitting smoking can add up to 10 years to your life expectancy. It mitigates the risk of COPD, cancer, cardiovascular problems, and even infertility. Beyond everything, it reduces the overall financial burden on the healthcare system and society. ● ● Remember, when you smoke, you’re not the only one who’s affected. Passive smoking affects your friends, family, and co-workers alike. So, when you give up, you’re not only doing good for your health but for others as well.

  3. According to a 2019 research, adult smokers in Australia have decreased to half since 1995. For instance, the number of smokers in Victoria reportedly reduced by 10.6%. Besides traditional smoking cessation medication, many have resorted to alternative methods like nicotine replacement therapy and prescription vaping. Here’s a guiding article with functional tips to curb smoking and alternatives to consider.

  4. How To Quit Smoking Effectively

  5. Giving up smoking can be difficult for many. But there’s no reason to feel discouraged. There are several smoking cessation techniques. It’s only a matter of time before you find out which method works best for you. Here are some suggestions.

  6. Try to spend more time with friends and family who are non-smokers. Avoid trigger beverages like alcohol and caffeine. Stay away from places frequented by smokers, like bars. Discard all smoking equipment and accessories. Control your urge by delaying lighting up your cigarette. ● ● ● ●

  7. When trying to quit smoking, you might experience sudden bursts of anger and irritability. Fret not! Spend some time doing meditation or any relaxing activity like painting or gardening to make such negative emotions go away. We also suggest you work out daily. If you’ve a busy schedule, at least try doing some cardio for thirty to forty minutes.

  8. Smoking Alternatives That Works Quitting smoking is easier said than done. Luckily, some alternatives have worked for people as a part of long-term smoking cessation.

  9. Nicotine Chewing Gums Gums form a part of Nicotine Replacement Therapy. As you chew the gum, ingredients are absorbed through tissues inside the mouth before reaching the bloodstream. It offers a similar satisfaction to smoking a cigarette and is less harmful. Nicotine gums come in different flavours, like mint and fruit. However, nicotine gums aren’t meant for pregnant women, adolescents, and anyone who uses tobacco in other forms.

  10. Medications Varenicline and Bupropion are two widely prescribed drugs to help smokers cope with withdrawal symptoms. inhibiting the nicotine receptors within the brain. In turn, smoking becomes less pleasurable for an individual, and eventually, the person gives up. But fair warning, they are not suited for everyone and should be taken only under medical supervision. They work by

  11. Prescription Vaping In many cases, medical practitioners have found therapeutic vapes to be a suitable option for smoking cessation or nicotine dependence. As a next step, the medical facility or practitioner can apply to the TGA to issue a prescription via the AP scheme or SAS B. Consulting a TGA Authorised prescriber is a good option to get things sorted.

  12. Wrap Up Quitting smoking is always a welcome move. And it certainly makes things easy to consider smoking Unfortunately, the new guidelines in Australia around liquid nicotine demand a prescription for procuring smoking cessation medication. So, it’s recommended that you see a TGA-authorised prescriber. That way, your condition can be accessed medically to prescribe nicotine for long-term smoking cessation or pharmacotherapy. alternatives.

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