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MLA: Book: One Author

MLA: Book: One Author . Author’s last name, Author’s first name. Title of work (underlined and followed by a period) .  Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication. An Example Back to MLA Choices Back to APA or MLA Citation Format. MLA: Book: One Author: An Example.

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MLA: Book: One Author

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  1. MLA: Book: One Author Author’s last name, Author’s first name. Title of work (underlined and followed by a period).  Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication. An Example Back to MLA Choices Back to APA or MLA Citation Format

  2. MLA: Book: One Author: An Example Machalow, Robert. 101 Uses of Lotus in Libraries. Westport: Meckler, 1992. • Back to MLA Choices • Back to APA or MLA Citation

  3. APA: Anthology Editor's last name , Initial of first editor's name (if appropriate; if it is an anthology of a single author's work, use Author's last name, Initial of author's first name). (Ed.). (if there is an editor and not only an author) (publication date) Title of anthology (italicized and followed by a period). Place of publication:  Publisher's name.  • An Example • Back to APA Choices • Back to APA or MLA Citation Formats

  4. APA: An AnthologyAn Example Blotner, J. (ed) (1972). Uncollected stories of William Faulkner. New York: Random House. • Back to APA Choices • Back to APA or MLA Citation Formats

  5. APA: Article or Chapter in an Anthology Author's last name, Author's initials (publication date). Name of article.  in Name of book (italicized and followed by a period). Edition (if appropriate) (pages). Place of publication: Publisher's name.  • An Example • Back to APA Choices • Back to APA or MLA Citation Formats

  6. APA: Article or Chapter in an AnthologyAn Example Adelson, Jonathan T. (1983). Freud's use of metaphor. In The psychoanalytic study of the child (17-60). .New Haven: Yale University Press,  • Back to APA Choices • Back to APA or MLA Citation Formats

  7. APA: Basic APA Question Begin using the APA format by asking yourself:  Is the item being cited:  • A book (handheld, not electronic)? • A journal or magazine  article? • A piece of some sort of other media (such as a television show or movie)? • A web resource (such as a web site, an electronic book, an electronic journal, etc.)? • Other? • Back to APA or MLA Citation Formats

  8. APA: Basic APA Question Begin using the APA format by asking yourself: What type of material am I citing? Is it: • A book (handheld, not electronic)? •  A journal or magazine article? • A piece of some other sort of media (such as a televisiion show)? • A web resource (such as a web site, an electronic book, an electronic journal, etc.)? • Other? • Back to APA Choices • Back to APA or MLA Citation Formats

  9. APA: Book: Second or Later Edition Author's last name, Author's initials (Publication date). Title of book (italicized) (edition number ed.). Place of publication: Publisher's name.  • An Example • Back to APA Choices • Back to APA or MLA Citation Formats

  10. APA: Book: Second or Later EditionAn Example Douglass, Laura Mae (1984). The effective nurse: Leader and manager. (2nd ed.). St. Louis: Mosby. • Back to APA Choices • Back to APA or MLA Citation Formats

  11. APA: Book: Single Author with More than One Book Last name, Initials (publication date). Book title (italicized and followed by a period). Place of publication: Publisher. Note: If a single author has more than one book, the name is repeated and the items are placed in order by date and then by title of works if the dates are the same.

  12. APA: Book: Single Author with More than One BookAn Example Machalow, R. (1991). Using Microsoft Excel. NY: Neal-Schuman Publishers. Machalow, R. (1992). 101 Uses of Lotus in Libraries. Westport, CT: Meckler. • Back to APA Choices • Back to APA or MLA Citation Formats

  13. APA: Books (handheld) APA format requires different formats for different types of books: • Anthologies • Article or Chapter in an Anth9ology  • Book: Second or Later Edition • Book: Single Author • Book: Single Author with More than One Book • Book: Handheld • Book with Corporate Author • Book with more than One Author (but less than six) • Book with Six or More Authors • Chapter in an Anthology • Edited Book • Edited Book with More than One Editor • Encyclopedia Entry • Multivolume Works • Short Story • Translation • Back to APA Choices • Back to APA or MLA Citation Formats

  14. APA: Books (handheld) • APA anthology • APA article or chapter from an anthology •  APA book with corporate author • APA book with one or more authors • APA book with single author • APA book with three or more authors • APA edited book • APA edited book with more then one editor • APA encyclopedia entry • APA book second or later edition • APA book with single author with more than one book • APA chapter in an anthology • APA multivolume works • APA short story • Back to APA Choices • Back to APA or MLA Citation Formats

  15. APA: Book with a Corporate Author Name of corporate author. (Date of publication). Title of book (italicized and followed by a period). Place       of publication: Publisher's name.  • An Example • Back to APA Choices • Back to APA or MLA Citation Format

  16. APA: Book with a Corporate AuthorAn Example Institute for the Study of Human Problems  (1975). Society and Drugs I. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, Inc. • Back to APA Choices • Back to APA or MLA Citation Format

  17. APA: Book with Six or More Authors Author's last name, Author's initial letter of first name Second through sixth Author’s last name, Second through sixth author’s initial letter of first names, et. al. (Publication date). Book Title (italicized and followed by a period), Place of publication: Publisher.  • An example • Back to APA Choices • Back to APA or MLA Citation Formats

  18. APA: Book with Six or More AuthorsAn Example Stouffer, S. A., Seve,  J., Deef,  G., Gooore, I., Veem, K., Worke, L. , et. al.  (1940). The American Soldier: Combat and Its Aftermath. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press. • Back to APA Choices • Back to APA or MLA Citation Formats

  19. APA: Chapter in an Anthology Author's last name, Author's initial of first name. (Date of publication). Chapter title. In Anthology Title (italicized) (pp. Pages).  Place of publication: Publisher. • An Example • Back to APA Choices • Back to APA or MLA Citation Formats

  20. APA: Chapter in an AnthologyAn Example Hale, Sarah Josepha (1997). Mary's Lamb. In Janet Gray. (Ed.) She Wields A Pen. (pp. 8) Iowa City: University of Iowa Press. • Back to APA Choices • Back to APA or MLA Citation Formats

  21. APA: Chapter in an On-line Book Author's last name, Initials (Date). Chapter name In Book title (italicized) (Edition number ed, sec. section number, chap. chapter number). Retrieved retrieval date, from web address.  Note: if edition, section and chapter are irrelevant, leave them out. • An Example • Back to APA Choices • Back to APA or MLA Citation Formats

  22. APA: Chapter in an On-line BookAn Example Lauber, John. (1983). Jane Austin: Selected bibliography. Twayne's author series. New York: G. K. Hall & Co., Retrieved 1/1/2008, from  <http://galenet.galegroup.com/servlet/ Twayne/hits?r=d&o=DocTitle>. • Back to APA Choices • Back to APA or MLA Citation Formats

  23. APA: Chapter in Edited Anthology Author's last name, Initial of author's first name. (Date of publication). Chapter title. In First initial of editor's first name Editor's last name (Ed.) Title of anthology (italicized and followed by a period). (pp pages). Place of publication: Publisher’s name.  • An Example • Back to APA Choices • Back to APA or MLA Citation Formats

  24. APA: Chapter in Edited AnthologyAn Example Hale, Sarah Josepha (1997). Mary's Lamb. In J. Gray (ed.) She Wields A Pen. (pp. 8). Iowa City: University of Iowa Press. • Back to APA Choices • Back to APA or MLA Citation Formats

  25. APA: Conference Proceedings First editor's last name, First editor's initials Second editor's last name, Second editor's initials. (Date of conference).  Title of presentation. in Name of conference       Pagination (if published). Place of publication (if published), Place of publication, Publisher. • An Example • Back to APA Choices • Back to APA or MLA Citation Formats

  26. APA: Conference ProceedingsAn Example Machalow, R. (June 1981). Library use of Lotus 1-2-3. in Computers in Libraries.  Los Angeles, Ca.: Neal-Schuman. • Back to APA Choices • Back to APA or MLA Citation Formats

  27. APA: Dissertation Author's last name, Initials (Date) Dissertation title (italicized and followed by a period).      (Doctoral dissertaion), University name, date). Source, Source number. Retrieved from source. • An Example • Back to APA Choices • Back to APA or MLA Citation Formats

  28. APA: DissertationAn Example Jurecka P (2008) Trasferrin polymorphism of common carp: link with disease resistance (Doctoral dissertation, Wageningen University, 2008) 4546. • Back to APA Choices • Back to APA or MLA Citation Formats

  29. APA: ERIC Document Author's last name, Initials.(year). Document title italicized). (Report no. report number). Place of publication: Name of publishing office (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED__________) • An Example • Back to APA Choices • Back to APA or MLA Citation Formats

  30. APA: ERIC DocumentAn Example Machalow, R. (1984). The Soap Opera: A Crash Course for Educators. Jamaica, NY . ERIC Document Reproduction Number ED257146. • Back to APA Choices • Back to APA or MLA Citation Formats

  31. APA: Film Producer's last name, Producer’s first initial (Producer) & Director’s last name, Director’s first initial Director. (year released). Title of film (italicized) (Motion picture). Country of organization: movie studio.  Note: Include both director and produer if both are available • An Example • Back to APA Choices • Back to APA or MLA Citation Formats

  32. APA: FilmAn Example Pintoff, E. 9director) (1970). The Critic (Motion Picture). US: Pintoff Productions and Crossbow Corp of America. • Back to APA Choices • Back to APA or MLA Citation Formats

  33. APA: Government Publication Name of government agency. (Date). Name of government document (italicized)    (Department publication number if available). Place of publication: name of publisher. • An Example • Back to APA Choices • Back to APA or MLA Citation Formats

  34. APA: Government PublicationAn Example United States. U.S. Department of Labor. (2008). Occupational Outlook Handbook: January, 2008. Lanham, MD: B Nernan. • Back to APA Choices • Back to APA or MLA Citation Formats

  35. APA: Journal Articles Author's last name, Author's Initials Publication date). Article title. Journal title (italicized and followed by a comma), Volume number (issue number), pages. • An Example • Back to APA Choices • Back to APA or MLA Citation Formats

  36. APA: Journal ArticlesAn Example Jackson, D. (October 2008). Random Acts of Influence: personal reflections on       professional generosity. Journal of Clinical Nursing , 17 (20)  2669-2670. • Back to APA Choices • Back to APA or MLA Citation Formats

  37. APA: Journal Article with Two Authors First author's last name, First author's initials & Second author's last name, Second author's initials      (Year of publication). Title of article. Journal title (italicized followed by a comma), Volume       number (issue number), pages. Note: This format is used for up to six authors. For more than six authors, list the first six and then et.al. (followed by the date) • An Example • Back to APA Choices • Back to APA or MLA Citation Formats

  38. APA: Journal Article Multiple AuthorsAn Example Butler, L.D., Waelde, L.C., Hastings, T.A., Chen, X., Symons, B., Marshall, J., et. al. Meditation with yoga, group therapy with hypnosis, and psychoeducation for long-term depressed mod: A randomized pilot trial. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 64 (7) 806-820. • Back to APA Choices • Back to APA or MLA Citation Formats

  39. APA: Journal Article  Author's last name, Author's initials (Year of publication). Article title. Title of journal (italicized followed by a comma), Volume number (issue number). • An Example • Back to APA Choices • Back to APA or MLA Citation Formats

  40. APA: Journal ArticleAn Example Jackson, D. (Ocrober 2008). Random Acts of Influence: personal reflections on       professional generosity. Journal of Clinical Nursing ,17 (20)  2669-2670. • Back to APA Choices • Back to APA or MLA Citation Formats

  41. APA: Journals (not electronic) The APA format requires different entries depending on the type of journal being cited: • APA journal articles • APA journal articles with two or more authors • APA magazine articles • APA newspaper articles • Back to APA Choices • Back to APA or MLA Citation Formats

  42. APA: Magazine Article Author's last name, Author's first initial (Publication date). Article title. Magazine Name  (italicized and  followed by a comma), Volume number, Page(s). Note: Publication date is the full date for weekly magazines; for monthly magazines, use the month and year as the publicatain date. • An Example • Back to APA Choices • Back to APA or MLA Citation Formats

  43. APA: Magazine ArticleAn Example McDevitt, C. (July 21, 2006). Traffic jam among the scooter set Newsweek 17. • Back to APA Choices • Back to APA or MLA Citation Formats

  44. APA: On-line The APA format requires different entries depending on the type of on-line item being cited: • Chapter in an on-line book • On-line article in a journal or magazine • On-line whole book • On-line entire website • On-line newspaper article • On-line scholarly article • Part of an on-line book • Back to APA Choices • Back to APA or MLA Citation Formats

  45. APA: Multivolume Works Author or editor's last name, Author or editor's first name (& if there are others).       (date (s)). Title of work (italicized) (Volume Number(s) if relevant). Place of publication: Publisher's name. • An Example • Back to APA Choices • Back to APA or MLA Citation Formats Note: If there is an editor, place (ed.) after the name.

  46. APA: Multivolume WorksAn Example Moses, Montrose J. (1964) Representative Plays by American Dramatists. (Vols 1-3). NY: Benjamin Blom, Inc. • Back to APA Choices • Back to APA or MLA Citation Formats

  47. APA: Newspaper Artiicle Author's last name, Authors initials (Date year, month day). Title of article  Title of newspaper (italicized and followed by a comma), pp. Page number(s). Note: If no author is given credit, begin with the article title. For the date, use year, month day. For the page, it may be necessary to cite the section and the page. • An Example • Back to APA Choices • Back to APA or MLA Citation Formats

  48. APA: Newspaper ArticleAn Example The moral condition of California. (November1, 1851) The New York Times 1. 1.  • Back to APA Choices • Back to APA or MLA Citation Formats

  49. APA: On-line Article in Journal or Magazine Author's last name, Author's initials (date). Article title. Magazine title (italicized and followed by a comma), Volume Number (issue number),pages. Retrieved from web address. • An Example • Back to APA Choices • Back to APA or MLA Citation Formats

  50. APA: On-line Article in Journal or MagazineAn Example Alexander, F.S. (2008). The conviction of things not seen: A tribute to Hal Berman. Emory Law Journal, 57 (6) 1394-1398. Retrieved from http://web.ebscohost.com/ehost/pdf ?vid=5&hid=3&std=46e8fa5b • APA Choices • Back to APA or MLA

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