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Does kundli matching lead to a successful marriage

Kundli matching is more or less an acid test that has to be passed with distinction before the marriage is fixed between the partners. Astrological matching can fail as long as the couple consults the web and not the astrologers for understanding the compatibility. You can also get your marriage compatibility scores as per the astrological match and go ahead with your plans. Kundli matching leads to a successful marriage.<br>https://www.vinaybajrangi.com/marriage-astrology/kundli-matching-horoscopes-matching-for-marriage.php<br>

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Does kundli matching lead to a successful marriage

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  1. DOES KUNDLI MATCHING LEAD TO A SUCCESSFUL MARRIAGE? Kundli matching is more or less an acid test that has to be passed with distinction before the marriage is fixed between the partners. The conclusions drawn may not be failure-proof. There are scores of marriages where the heavens have approved the match, but the couple has not approved each other. So, marriages made in heaven are unmade and broken at will on earth. Should we blame our current social structure that supports freedom and licentiousness at every step? Reasons are best known to those inside the wedlock or out of it. On the contrary, love marriages that usually bypass this horoscope matching ritual sometimes succeed. Ultimately, as per the verdict of the Rishis of yore, it is the perfect compatible or like-minded couples that succeed despite the astrological differences. For the rest of us, it is the astrological compatibility that keeps the marriage going. It has been almost a compulsory ritual that had to be passed through before the event of marriage. Astrological matching can fail as long as the couple consults the web and not the astrologers for understanding the compatibility. You can also get your marriage compatibility scores as per the astrological match and go ahead with your plans. Kundli matching leads to a successful marriage. How does kundli matching assess the compatibility of the partners? Kundli matching assesses the compatibility of the partners using specific surefire techniques. Usually, the Kundli software available on almost all websites satisfies only the basic requirements. the ashtakoot Milan feature embedded in the software hardly provides a comprehensive picture. Only the astrologer can provide customized solutions as per the needs of each individual. Hence consulting a learned astrologer would be the best course to take as he can do the kundli matching using the two essential ingredients – the name and date of birth.

  2. The kundli matching considers some aspects for these purposes. Venus governs physical compatibility, and if well aspected, it ensures a solid physical bonding between the couples. The placing of Jupiter assures long and happy married life, He decides the longevity of the marriage. The 7th lord blesses the couple with an everlasting bond provided he is under the good planetary influence. Compatibility concerning the second house blesses a happy family life and marital happiness. The fourth house, if found compatible, confers the twin benefits of peace and prosperity, which means the couple would together experience content and growth in all aspects of life. Twelfth house compatibility promises sensual pleasures that last for a lifetime. To assess your partner's fidelity and level of commitment, get the eleventh house checked. Mars mars the marriage if unfavorably disposed to the horoscope. The navamsa chart determines long and happy married life. Trimshamsha chart in the case of females is examined for a detailed analysis. All the above compatibility tests and the ashtakoot matching must be carried out to rightly assess the future/fate of the marriage. Hence, online horoscope matching cannot be used as the final indicator for arriving at a decision. Despite failing or scoring low on the ashtakoot test, a marriage can be successful, provided it qualifies the parameters of the horoscope compatibility test. It is not an impossibility to get a match that perfectly fits all the ten parameters. It is a matter of time, and when the timing is correct, the right partner will undoubtedly arrive. Seal the loopholes that lead to the proverbial chink in the fortress of marriage by availing post-marriage Astro counseling sessions. Can a couple get married even after they fail the astrological criteria? Ideally, if the comprehensive horoscope matching does not approve of the relationship, the couple should not marry each other. If they are insistent, then some Astro counseling sessions before the marriage can help the partners survive the rough patches in their relationship. The karmic patterns that induce marital differences are mitigated due to counseling. The union is likely to survive in this case. Otherwise, it is best for the couple not to marry if they fail the astrological criteria for a successful marriage. Does Kundli Milan apply to the cases of remarriage? Yes, absolutely. Kundli Milan applies to the cases of remarriage as well. Once divorce happens, this trend will likely repeat itself even in the second marriage. To avoid this consequence, marriage matching has to be done here too to ensure the marital life is safe and undisturbed from any hazard. Source Link: https://kundli-horoscope-matching.blogspot.com/2021/12/does-kundli-matching-lead-to-successful.html

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