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Planets Responsible for Business Selection - Business According to Horoscope

There are specific planetary positions that are connected with your source of income. Astrology talks of 12 houses in a birth-chart and each house responsible for business selection talks of a different aspect of business astrology, providing guidance as to what type of focus you need to apply to derive a desirable outcome from your business. Right business selection as per birth chart makes all the difference to your success or failure as a businessman.<br><br>https://www.vinaybajrangi.com/business-astrology/right-business-selection.php<br>

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Planets Responsible for Business Selection - Business According to Horoscope

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  1. What does Astrology Say About Houses Responsible for Business Selection Whenever someone fails in a business venture, or even if someone is ready to launch a business of his own, the query about the houses responsible for business selection often crosses one’s mind, right? Well, it is natural to be a little apprehensive about what lies in store for you as a businessman, especially if you don’t have ample experience in the field or if you aren’t joining a family business that has already passed the test of time. There are different houses and planet responsible for right business selection according to astrology and you need expert help from astute astrologers such as Dr. Vinay Bajrangi to study, analyse and arrive at an outcome vis-à-vis business selection. Astrology talks of 12 houses in a birth-chart and each house responsible for business selection talks of a different aspect of business astrology, providing guidance as to what type of focus you need to apply to derive a desirable outcome from your business. Here is a general interpretation of the 12 houses as per business astrology - 1.1st House– This house represents the focus you need to put on your business’ visual aspects. So, if you are facing issues with rebranding, websites, photoshoots, etc, a study of this house in your horoscope will give you helpful information about where you might be going wrong. The general physical aspects of your business, such as registeration or the legal structure, are also guided by the 1st house. 2.2nd House– The house to create money through business profession is 2nd House. This house reflects your ability to earn an income through your talent, skill and strength in business. In other words, your financial security through business is reflected in a deeper analysis of this house. 3.3rd House– When you want to know how to communicate about your business, the best way would be to read the situation existing in the third house of your horoscope. This house tells you about the ways in which your business would shine , whether it is through writing, speaking or teaching. Besides, the planets in this house also represent the communication aspect of a local business specifically. 4.4th House– One of the subtle houses responsible for business selection, the fourth house’s study forms the core foundation of the business because what matters the most in a business is what goes on behind the scenes. In other words, the fourth house is all about the close supporters of your

  2. business, or the core group that forms the emotional and administrative support of your business family. 5.5th House– The creative aspects of your business, which brings you the most pleasure as a business owner, is reflected in studying this house. Getting an experienced astrologer to study your horoscope will lead to the understanding of how to garner true happiness through your business. 6.6th House– The day-to-day operations of your business, concerning the daily routines, systems and structures in place for smooth running of your business, will be present in the sixth house. This house will tell you whether you need to be more organized or take it easy in your daily business operation. 7.7th House– Talking about partnerships in business, this house will tell you everything you need to know vis-à-vis your business partners, investors, shareholders, services, etc. This house will also show you to what extent the partnerships are significant for the success of your business. 8.8th House– This is a tricky house to analyse in business astrology. It is because the 8th house talks about transformation necessary to uplift your business, whether it through metaphysical skills or other therapies. It is also the house to consult in case you are in business with an intimate partner. 9.9th House– If you are looking for expansion of your business, you might need guidance of the 9th house, which will tell you how to achieve that through expanding your knowledge, seeking clients overseas or even writing about your business. 10.10th House– This house is instrumental in informing you about the extent to which you will gain public recognition for your business. Another form to achieve business expansion, right! 11.11th House– Your business goals and vision is reflected in this house. Studying this house and its inherent planets also tells you about how your business would perform vis-à-vis the community within which it is based. 12.12th House– Another house that indicates whether you are communicating effectively through and for your business. The planets herein show you the need for a support system to let your business expand by talking about it. Not just that, it also lets you know how you can find more intuitive and focused communication patterns to take your business further. Running a business is a highly tricky but equally rewarding career option. If you want to consult Dr. Bajrangi for your personal career or business astrology consultation, or want him to suggest remedial measures for your business issues, you can connect with him on vinaybajrangi.com or contact his office on +91 9278665588/9278555588.

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