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R obotics R evolution. Mohammad Mayyas, Ph.D Department of Engineering Technologies. mmayyas@bgsu.edu. Short Bio-. Name: Mohammad Mayyas Education: Ph.D in Mechanical Engineering, The University of Texas at Arlington, Dec. 2007
Robotics Revolution Mohammad Mayyas, Ph.D Department of Engineering Technologies mmayyas@bgsu.edu
Short Bio- • Name: Mohammad Mayyas • Education: • Ph.D in Mechanical Engineering, The University of Texas at Arlington, Dec. 2007 • MS.c in Mechanical Engineering, The University of Texas at Arlington, May 2004 • BS.c in Mechanical Engineering, Jordan University of Science and Technology, Jan. 2001 • Experience • Associate Professor, BGSU, Department of Engineering Technology, 2013-present • Associate Research Professor, UTA Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, 2013- present • Director of Robotics Division, UTA Research Institute, 2012- 2013 • Special Faculty Member, MAE, UTA, 2009-2013 • International Advisory Board of Scholars, Hashemite University, 2012-Present • Associate Faculty for Research, Automation & Robotics Research Institute, UTA, 2010-2012 • Associate Researcher, Automation & Robotics Research Institute , UTA, 2008-2010 • Visiting Assistant Professor, Mechatronics, HU, Summer-2009 • Engineer Intern, Rhodia Engineering Plastic, Freiburg, Germany, Summer-2000 • Hobbies • Drawing • Traveling • Hiking
I admire Science and Engineering • I havepassion for excellence • I strive forresearch & entrepreneurship • I specialize in Microsystems & Robotics • I work on advanced technologies that helps humanity.
Todays TopicISRobotics+Revolution Articulated arm What is ? Science fiction: TV show series? means? What Humanoid The American Revolution? Bee! Construction robots Industrial automation Future MEMS drone The second revolution following the internet revolution UAV drone Mobile robots
Why Robotics • Three factors drive the adoption of robots: • improved productivity in the increasingly competitive international environment; • improved quality of life in the presence of a significantly aging society; and • removing first responders and soldiers from the immediate danger/action. • Economic growth, quality of life, and safety of our first responders continue to be key drivers for the adoption of robots.
Origin The word “Robot” was coined in 1920 by Karel Capek and his brother, Josef Capek. Karel was a Czech writer looking for a word to call the artificial creatures in his play! Mechatronics is English-Japanese term coined by Mr. Mori in 1971 to describe the integration of mechanical and electronic engineering. To read Karel Čapek’s drama R. U. R. (Rossum’s Universal Robots) of 1921 “Mechatronics is the synergistic integration of mechanical engineering with electronics and intelligent computer control in the design and manufacturing of industrial products and processes”1 Mr. Tetsuro Mori 1 IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics
UAV-MQ-9 Small UGV- iRobot Vision Mobility research includes design and of vehicles for surface locomotion, aviation, and maritime that use modes of transport such as tracked, wheeled and walking motion, paddling, wings, propelling, flapping, sliding, gliding, and many others. Vacuum Cleaning Roomba/iRobot Cognitive Hearing Industrial automation robot- Baxter Rethink Robotics Mobility • Contemporary manipulation research is focused on force and position control, compliance, robotic hand-eye coordination, robot tactile control, dexterous manipulation, grasping, articulated multi-arm control, and tool use Sensing and perception research seeks the implementation of detectors, instruments and techniques for localization, integration and standardization of capabilities, proprioception, obstacle detection, object recognition, and the processing of that data into a system’s perception of itself and its environment Robotic fish-University of Essex Simulated intelligent shopping- PR2 Autonomous systems research seeks to improve performance with a reduced burden on crew and ground support personnel, achieving safe and efficient control and enabling decisions in complex and dynamic environments Detection and obstacle avoidance Big Dog-Boston Dynamics Object-tracking Robot Writer-KUKA Games in Rehab Grasping- Barrett hand Robotic Hummingbird-ASL Belgium
A Broader Definition Pushing the limits Modern Robotics is a branch of engineering technologies that involves the conception, design, manufacturing, and operation of intelligent systems. This field overlaps with electronics, computer science, artificial intelligence , electrics, mechanics, micro/nanotechnology, biology, medicine, etc. Classification of Robotics by Application
Industrial Robotics“Manufacturing” The roadmap process: Research and development is needed in technology areasthat arise from the critical capabilities required to impact manufacturing application domains • Perception for operation • Human-like-dexterous manipulation • Adaptive and configurability assembly • Robots working with humans • Autonomous navigation • Rapid deployment of assembly lines • Green manufacturing • Model-based integration and design supply chains • Interoperability and component technologies • Nano Technology • Architecture & Representation • Control and planning • Format Methods • Learning and Adaption • Modeling, Simulation, And Analysis • Novel Mechanism • Perception Robust Sensors • Human Robot Interaction • Social Interactive Robots • Mining • Processing • Discrete part manufacturing • Assembly • Logistics ( transport & distribution)
Industrial Robotics“Manufacturing” Intrinsically Safe Robots Working with Humans: The Democratization of Robots Cloud” Robotics and Automation for Manufacturing Humanlike Dexterous Manipulation Nano manufacturing Humans and robots in the workplace
Industrial Robotics“Manufacturing” • Robotics represents a $5B industry in the U.S. that is growing steadily at 8% per year. • Robotics industry is supported by the manufacturing industry, which provides the instrumentation, auxiliary automation equipment, and the systems integration adding up to a $20B industry • The manufacturing sector represents 14% of the GDP and 11% of the total employment. • Close to 70% of the net export from the U.S. is related to manufacturing. • The sale of robotics for manufacturing grew 44% during 2011
Industrial Robotics“Manufacturing” • The use of robots is shifting from big companies such as GM, Ford, Boeing, and Lockheed Martin to small- and medium-sized enterprises • There is a need to educate a new generation of workers for the factory floor and to provide clear career paths for young people entering the field of manufacturing • Last two years, robotics celebrated its 50-year anniversary in terms of deployment of the first industrial robot at a manufacturing site.
Healthcare and Medical Robotics In-clinic and in-home servicing specific tasks Snake-like robotic for endoscopic surgical procedures Capture human state and behavior Human machine interaction Augment human mobility and capability Minimally invasive surgical robot- Da Vinci Learning and Adaptation
Healthcare and Medical Robotics • Robotics technologies are being developed toward promoting aging in place, delaying the onset of dementia, and providing companionship to mitigate isolation and depression. • Robots are also being used for surgery, rehabilitation and in intelligent prostheses to help people recover lost function. • More than 11 million people live with severe disabilities and need personal assistance • 40+% annual growth in the number of medical procedures performed using robots.
Service Robotics • Service robotics is defined as those robotic systems that assist people in their daily lives at work, in their houses, for leisure, and as part of assistance to the handicapped and elderly, etc. • Healthcare & Quality of Life • Energy & Environment • Manufacturing & Logistics • Automotive & Transportation • Homeland Security & Infrastructure Protection • Entertainment & Education • Scientific and Technical Challenges • Mobility: autonomously driving cars, 3D navigation.. • Manipulation: Grasping, tactile sensing,… • Planning: situational awareness, obstacle avoidance • Sensing and Perception:skin-like tactile sensor… Bionic skin for a robot hand, University of Tokyo DARPA Robotics Challenge, 2013 Recon Robotic, iRrobot DARPA Grand Challenge and Urban Challenge, 2007
Service Robotics • Professional service robotics includes agriculture, emergency response, pipelines, and the national infrastructure, forestry, transportation, professional cleaning, and various other disciplines. • Professional service robots are also used for military purposes. • More than 110,000 professional robots are in use today and the market is growing rapidly every year Typical service robots for professional applications.
Service Robotics • In 2012, 3 million service robots for personal and domestic use were sold, 20% more than in 2011. The value of sales increased in US to $1.2 billion • About 22 million units of service robots for personal use to be sold for the period 2013-2016. • The size of the market for toy robots and hobby systems is forecasted at about 3.5 million units, most of which for obvious reasons are very low-priced. Typical service robots for personal applications
Key Challenges/Capabilities Transportation: There is a need forintelligent highways to autonomous public transportation systems Homeland Security and Defense: There is a need for viability of search and rescue efforts, surveillance, explosives countermeasures, fire detection Agriculture: There is a need to address farmers’ constant struggle to keep costs Mining: There is a need to reduce the costly downtime of underground and surface mining. Infrastructure: There is a need to automate the inspection and maintenance of our nation’s bridges, highways, pipelines Quality of Life: There is need for revolutionary transportation mobility solution Education: There is a need to provides students with a tactile and integrated means to investigate basic concepts in math, physics, computer science and other STEM disciplines The Bear, from Vecna Robotics, Encouragement by sense of accomplishment: a student is building and programming a ground robot
Roadmap of Robotics Technology Research Urban UGV Disaster recovery tools Driverless car Aggie-bots Future Source: modified from Harvard business review, 2007 Toys and smart-phone
Roadmap Result • Robotics technology holds the potential to transform the future of the country • Adoption of robots in flexible manufacturing generates economic production systems • A key driver in adopting robotics technology is the aging population that results in an agingworkforce • Robotics technology allows “human augmented” labor that enables acting on the vision of co-workers who assist people with dirty, dull, and dangerous tasks • Robotics technology will allow an acceleration of inshoring of jobs, and longer-term, will offer improved quality of life in a society
Making a Difference: Bridging the Gap between Academic and Industry Practices Industry: Firms and Users Universities & Federal Labs Ideas Needs “Good Scientific ideas” -Knowledge -Creation -Lab results -Proof of concepts -Publications -Patents -How to Make & Use -Proprietary -Advantage -Profits ROBOTICS MARKET $ $ x 100 The Valley of Death- Where many “good” science ideas, technologies and new products and processes die DISCOVERY Knowledge Opportunities “Good Market Dominating Ideas” Exogenous Risk & Uncertainty Market Risk & Uncertainty Manufacturing Uncertainty Engineering Uncertainty Technical Risks Scientific Risks Scientific uncertainty • To achieve this, we need a paradigm that • Inspire students to be science and technology leader, by engaging them in excitingmentor-based robotics and mechatronicsresearch programs that build science, engineering, and technology skills, that inspire innovation, and that foster well-rounded life capabilities, and that prepare them to the demands of the labor market.
Academic Approach Create an interface between academic research practices and industry need: Criterion 1: Uniqueness of the Technology and Contribution to Sci. & Eng. Criterion 2: Impact on Students Criterion 3: Relevance of the Innovation to the Industry Criterion 4: Impact on New Products/Applications Criterion 5: Impact on Functionality Criterion 6: Impact on Customer Value Best practices research Technical insights Market Engineering Customer research Economic research Demographic research Financial analysis
The Future of Robotics@BGSU A Bright Future! Intelligent robot for future homes Surveillance ground robot Medical Robotics Smart skin Facial expression control Assistive living robots [Pictures courtesy of Robotic Division, M.Mayyas, UTARI] Human Robot Interaction
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