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A.G. Olshevskiy 104 th Session of the JINR Scientific Council. Is taking part in the world class experiments, providing important results in Particle and Nuclear Physics and conducting also Applied research. Among the results:. Dzhelepov Laboratory of Nuclear Problems.
A.G. Olshevskiy 104th Session of the JINR Scientific Council
Is taking part in the world class experiments, providing important results in Particle and Nuclear Physics and conducting also Applied research. Among the results: Dzhelepov Laboratory of Nuclear Problems • LEP electroweak precision measurements and predictions for the Higgs particle • Top quark mass measurements and b-baryon physics at Tevatron • Construction of the LHC experiments, accelerator and detector R&D • Best limits on decay as a stringent test of the Standard Model • Test of low-energy QCD in pi- and K- atoms in DIRAC experiment at CERN • Best measurement of the pi- lifetime in PIBETA experiment at PSI • Best limit on neutrino magnetic moment in GEMMA expt at Kalinin Power Plant • World class results on double beta decay from NEMO experiment • Studies of Nuclear Fragmentation in FASA experiment at NUCLOTRON • Studies of NN interaction dynamics in ANKE experiment at COSY • Operation of the PHASOTRON for Proton Therapy • Construction of Cyclotrons for different applications
JINR Collider Physics MTOP= 173.5 +3.7/-3.6 (stat.) +/- 1.3 (syst.) “Lepton + jets” mode Hadron : • Tevatron CDF and D0 top-quark measurements and b-baryon physics • LHC startup in 2008 provide unique tool for exploring the Energy Frontier and e+e- : Charm/Tau physics at BEPC, Future e+e- physics (including SANC theoretical developments and detectors R&D)
Neutrino Physics • Most hot topics: mass, its origin and hierarchy, neutrino mixing • Neutrinoless double beta decay NEMO3 results and increase of sensitivity in future • Neutrino magnetic moment measurement at Kalinin Nuclear Power Plant continue data taking • Oscillations: • Start of CNGS with OPERA and BOREXINO • Theta13 measurement at Daya Bay (and T2K) MUNU (Bugey, 2003) < 0.9 10 –10 B TEXONO (Taiwan, 2003):< 7.4 10 –11 B GEMMA-1 (2006):< 5.8 10 –11 B BOREXINO (2008) < 5.4 10 –11 B GEMMA-1 (2008):< 5.2 10 –11 B
Rare decays • Best measurement of the pi- lifetime in PIBETA experiment at PSI • measurement of the π→ eν (γ) decay => the most precise available test of the lepton universality • search for µ+→e+γ decay mode with expected sensitivity of 10-14 ═> strong limitation on fundamental theories • Best limit on decay as a stringent test of the Standard Model Acceptance – 18 (15) % 4.8% KL decays in Main Volume @ 108 (5.4×107) KL/spill 10 days sensitivity (~ 104 spills/day) 10×(104)×(108)×(4.8×10-2)×(1.8×10-1)×Br(2.8×10-11)≈ 2.4events 10×(104)×(5.4×107)×(4.8×10-2)×(1.5×10-1)×Br(2.8×10-11)≈ 1.1events KLOD
Nuclear matter and QCD • FASA experiment at NUCLOTRON – Nuclear matter phase transitions measurement • Studies of NN and πN interactions in ANKE COSY and in DUBTO at Phasotron • Dedicated fixed target experiments at CERN with JINR leading role: • DIRAC: measurement of ππ- and πK-scattering lengths • Measurement of polarizabilities in Primakoff reactions at COMPASS • Future experiments at FAIR: PANDA and spin-physics SPRING/PAX • R&D for NICA/MPD
Dubna projectNICA Nuclotron-based Ion Collider fAcility • Ongoing R&D for NICA: • the group of Prof. I.N.Meshkov is strongly involved in the accelerator part of the project • MPD Electromagnetic Calorimeter design • SPD Physics and detector Lead/Scintillator Calorimeter with fibers MicropixelAvalanche Photo Detector for fast calorimetry
Applied research and Innovative projects Operation of the PHASOTRON for Proton Therapy was continued from January 2007 providing treatment for about 100 patients per year. Design and construction of special medical cyclotron is under way. This cyclotron is planned to be used at Dubna Proton Therapy Center - the project of which is pushed forward now by common efforts of JINR, Dubna and Moscow region administration and Federal Medical and Biological Agency. Various detector and accelerator R&D.
Budget and personnel considerations • Number of external grants in addition to the conventional budget represent extra resources for supporting fundamental and applied research in the Laboratory • Strong relations with Universities (MSU, MPTI, MIREA, Irkutsk, Kostroma, Saratov and some others) allow presence in the Laboratory of a good number of Master and PhD students • Similar relations are also important for getting young technical staff
Conclusions • For fundamental research the plan is based on DLNP participation in the first class experiments, at home and worldwide, with significant and visible role • In addition, the expertise of people will be used in innovative projects, allowing to attract additional human (especially young) and financial resources