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Turn to p. 32 in manuals. What does I.Q. measure?

Would you like to learn how to make money , get a job , impress the President , get people to like you , and get the attention of adults ?. Turn to p. 32 in manuals. What does I.Q. measure?. On page 32, write… I.Q. measures math and verbal abilities. What does this mean?.

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Turn to p. 32 in manuals. What does I.Q. measure?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Would you like to learn how to make money, get a job, impress the President, get people to like you, and get the attention of adults?

  2. Turn to p. 32 in manuals.What does I.Q. measure?

  3. On page 32, write…I.Q. measures math and verbal abilities. What does this mean?

  4. EQ – a different intelligenceEMOTIONALINTELLIGENCE


  6. What kind of skills make up the emotional scales? Hint: you have to have these skills to do well in society - to do well with people.Brainstorm at least 5 people skills. The real world is a test for these skills when you use them.

  7. IPOSSESSFill in p. 33.

  8. INTERPERSONAL SKILLS • Combines empathy and social skills (see below). We will come back to this one.

  9. PERSISTENCE • The ability to stick with something

  10. OPTIMISM • The ability to be positive in the face of adversity or struggle

  11. SELF-AWARENESS • The ability to understand who you really are

  12. SELF-CONTROL The ability to control your impulses or urges to do something

  13. EMPATHY • The ability to feel what others feel

  14. SOCIAL SKILLS • The ability to interact with others in a positive, successful way

  15. SELF-MOTIVATION • The ability to tell yourself what to do, rather than having someone else tell you what to do

  16. I am going to put you into groups to learn the words that make up I POSSESS. This is an acronym that helps us with memorization. Create a song, cadence, etc. that helps you to remember I POSSESS. Clue: YMCA, military marching cadence, happy birthday

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