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Research. Es have more positive affect . Why? Extraverts may be less responsive to punishment Pearce-McCall & Newman (1986) 2. Extraverts may recall past differently than introverts 3. Extraverts participate in more social activities. Research related to individual differences in N.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Research • Es have more positive affect. Why? • Extraverts may be less responsive to punishment Pearce-McCall & Newman (1986) 2. Extraverts may recall past differently than introverts 3. Extraverts participate in more social activities

  2. Research related to individual differences in N • N is associated with complaints of poor health • High-N people report more stress • Greater # of stressors • More reactivity to stressors • More sources of stress • Different types of coping

  3. Weaknesses of 5 factor model and rebuttals • Problem of circularity • Description rather than explanation • Neglects psychopathology and change • No a priori theory for 5 factors

  4. Problem of Situation • Mischel - criticism of trait approach • Situationism – situational variables matter more than personality in determining behavior • Interactionism – idea that personality traits and situation interact with each other to form behavior

  5. Interactionism • Weak situations • Strong situations • Lab situations??

  6. Interactionism cont’ • People choose different environments • The same situations are different for different people. • The same situations may have different effects on different people.

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