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General characteristics of AA collisions at 35 AGeV. Yuri Kharlov, Serguei Sadovsky IHEP, Protvino LINC-2005, 5 October 2005. Models of ion collisions at middle energies. RQMD Relativistic Quantum Molecular Dynamics
General characteristics of AA collisions at 35 AGeV Yuri Kharlov, Serguei Sadovsky IHEP, Protvino LINC-2005, 5 October 2005
Models of ion collisions at middle energies • RQMD • Relativistic Quantum Molecular Dynamics • Microscopic model of heavy ion reactions treating high nuclear resonances, string formation, strangeness production • Applicable from 1 AGeV to TeV domain • http://www.th.physik.uni-frankfurt.de/~mhofmann/rqmd.html • UrQMD • Ultra Relativistic Quantum Molecular Dynamics, successor of QMD • Microscopic transport model in terms of interactions between known hadrons and resonances at s<5 GeV • Excitation of color strings and their fragmentation into hadrons at s>5 GeV • Only central (b=0 fm) events are studied to determine the hardest detector load • http://www.th.physik.uni-frankfurt.de/~urqmd/ • Pluto • Lepton pair production in ion collisions • Vector mesons are emitted from the fireball with fixed temperature (T=170 MeV is used) • http://www-hades.gsi.de/computing/pluto/html/PlutoIndex.html • Fritiof • Lund string model for hadron and nucleus collisions • Not supposed to be applicable at s<10 GeV (a little beyond U70) • http://wwwasdoc.web.cern.ch/wwwasdoc/psdir/fritiof.ps.gz LINC-2005
UrQMD C+Pb eventat pbeam=35 AGeV/c LINC-2005
pT distrbutions: pions (+, -, 0) LINC-2005
pT distrbutions: charged kaons LINC-2005
pT distrbutions: neutral kaons LINC-2005
pT distrbutions: nucleons LINC-2005
pT distrbutions: anti-nucleons LINC-2005
Rapidity distrbutions: pions LINC-2005
Rapidity distrbutions: charged kaons LINC-2005
Rapidity distrbutions: neutral kaons LINC-2005
Rapidity distrbutions: nucleons LINC-2005
Rapidity distrbutions: anti-nucleons LINC-2005
Theta distrbutions: pions LINC-2005
Theta distrbutions: charged kaons LINC-2005
Theta distrbutions: neutral kaons LINC-2005
Theta distrbutions: nucleons LINC-2005
Theta distrbutions: anti-nucleons LINC-2005
Vector mesons e+e- Pluto emits vector mesons from the fireball at T=170 MeV, produced in ion collision at pbeam=35 AGeV 0 J/ LINC-2005
Summary • Available event generators allow to estimate the detector load by secondary particles. • In the most heavy ion collisions achievable at U70, C+Pb, one expects to detect up to 50 particles per one central event. • Centrality (impact parameters) can be measured in the target fragmentation region, mainly for heavy targets (Pb). LINC-2005