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2nd Global ABC Conference and Exhibition October 2013

Global Migration and Border Management Next Generation Smart Border Security. 2nd Global ABC Conference and Exhibition October 2013. Smart Border Analytics: Thinking differently about border security Paul Adamson – Director, Consulting Marc Atallah – Director , Analytics.

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2nd Global ABC Conference and Exhibition October 2013

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Global Migration and Border ManagementNext Generation Smart Border Security 2nd Global ABC Conference and Exhibition October 2013

  2. Smart Border Analytics: Thinking differently about border securityPaul Adamson – Director, Consulting Marc Atallah – Director, Analytics

  3. Immigration and Border Security Challenges • There will be 720 millionby 2030. 1,800 border crossing points 400 million travelers crossed Schengen air borders in 2011 7,721 km of land borders

  4. Next Generation Smart Border Security Inform Operational Decisions Understand Border Traffic Define Risk Profiles

  5. Prototyping a Smart Border Analytics Tool Utilizes “big data”and “advanced analytics” to determine where problems are and better track movement in and out of a country in a geospatialmanner Policy makers and border stakeholders are keen to learn more about the patterns, trends, and forensic analysis of the illegal migrant population Creates predictive risk profiles of illegal migrants to inform operational decisions and policy changes The Smart Border Analytics Tool can help border stakeholders design and implement operational changes to minimize risk to the immigration system.

  6. Deloitte Advanced Knowledge Discovery (AKD) Four foundational principles of the AKD approach… • Supervised machine learningdetects, explains, and quantifies zones of risk, fraud, performance, and propensity to certain behaviors • Detect and explain nascent phenomena or false positives • Collaborative and consensus-building approach involving subject-matter experts and facilitating client ownership of results The average individual does not exist Individuals with the same observed behavior are usually driven by different factors Data may not be sufficient to explain behaviors: complex combination with exogenous data may prove extremely insightful Factors with very low, large-scale impact can be hugely important for very specific profiles Advanced Knowledge Discovery (AKD) follows a six-step process Client Data Dimensional Attributes Identify Clusters Enlarge to Optimize Locally Influential Risk Profile Definition 1 2 3 4 5 6

  7. Q&A?

  8. Deloitte’s Global Migration & Border Management Practice Who We Are • Deloitte's Global Migration and Border Management Value Proposition helps our clients to solve complex problems related to border security, immigration, customs, intelligence gathering and analysis, and policy. Missions We Support Who We Serve • Frontex • U.K. Border Agency • EC: Directorate-General for Home Affairs • Irish Revenue Commissioners • Australian Customs and Border Protection Service • Canada Border Services Agency • U.S. Customs and Border Protection • U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement • U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service

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