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Organisation of Campfire

Organisation of Campfire. Learning Objectives. By the end of the lesson, you will be able to: Know why campfires are held Identify different methods of building a campfire List the aspects of a campfire programme Plan and organise a campfire

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Organisation of Campfire

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Organisation of Campfire

  2. Learning Objectives • By the end of the lesson, you will be able to: • Know why campfires are held • Identify different methods of building a campfire • List the aspects of a campfire programme • Plan and organise a campfire • Understand the Safety Precautions to take when organising a campfire

  3. Scope • Introduction • Building a campfire • Planning a campfire • Safety Considerations for a campfire • Conclusion

  4. Introduction • Campfire began as a form of relaxation where people gathered round a fire to keep warm • Nowadays it is often a “finale” after days of hard work and fun in camp • Campfire is also a social gathering for fellowship and friendship

  5. Building a campfire(Locating a suitable site) • Ideally, every fire should be lit in a fire ring. If a fire ring is not available, a temporary fire site may be constructed. One way is to cover the ground with sand, or other soil mostly free of flammable organic material, to a depth of a few inches. • The campfire site should be located away from dried vegetation and trees to minimise fire risks.

  6. Building a campfire(Obtaining the firewood) • For a traditional campfire, firewood is usually gathered from wood lying on the ground • Nowadays, when organising campfires, firewood can be bought from vendors Tinder: Wood that easily catches fire, to get the other firewood burning Kindling: Wood to sustain the fire and get the Fuel wood burning Fuel: Large wood which burns for a long time and keeps the fire going

  7. Building a campfire(Arrangement of firewood) • Campfire can be arranged in many ways. In general, the tinder should be put at the base, where the fire will be lit. The kindling and fuelwood will be placed around it. Tepee style Pyramid / Square style Rock style platform

  8. Planning a Campfire • A campfire committee should be formed, with sub-committees looking after the following areas: • Programme of campfire • Ushering • Fire • Backdrop (optional) • Gateway (optional) • Souvenirs and reception (optional)

  9. Planning a campfire(Programme sub-committee) • To plan the campfire programme • Select the songs • Confirm the items to be performed • Arrange the order of songs, performance (sequence of events) • Select and train emcees for the campfire • Select song leaders • Teach and practice songs with participants before campfire (if necessary)

  10. Planning a campfire(Ushering sub-committee) • To prepare benches and groundsheets for the campfire • Arrange seating arrangements for guests and Guest of Honour • Welcome guests and lead them to their seats • Send off Guest of Honour • Clear up area after event (excluding fire)

  11. Examples of seating arrangement for campfire U-shaped Round/Oval

  12. Planning a campfire(Fire sub-committee) • Buy/Collect Firewood • Prepare firewood • Prepare area for campfire • Brainstorm and test out ideas for an innovative lighting of the campfire • Set up firewood arrangement with the necessary safety precautions • Look after fire during campfire – i.e. add firewood to the fire • Clear up fire after campfire

  13. Planning a campfire(Backdrop sub-committee) • To design an appropriate backdrop to fit the theme of the campfire • To buy the necessary materials to make the backdrop • Set up backdrop • Work with other committees to decide where to place the backdrop • Take down backdrop after campfire

  14. Planning a campfire(Gateway sub-committee) • To design an appropriate gateway structure to fit the theme of the campfire • To obtain the required materials to make the backdrop (i.e. wood, ropes) • Set up gateway • Work with other committees to decide where to place the gateway • Take down gateway after campfire

  15. Examples of gateway (1)

  16. Examples of gateway (2)

  17. Planning a campfire(Souvenir and Reception sub-committee) • Make/Buy Souvenirs • Distribute Souvenirs during campfire • Arrange for light reception after campfire • Clean up reception area

  18. Planning a campfire(What to include in the programme?) • Campfires should usually last from 60-90 minutes • There may be a theme for the campfire • General Programme includes campfire opening, songs, games (optional), performance items, campfire closing

  19. Planning a campfire(Example of campfire programme)

  20. Safety Considerations • A campfire may burn out of control in two basic ways: • On the ground • In the trees. • Do have sand and water on hand to smother and douse the fire if it does get out of the fire pit. It is wise to gather these materials before they are actually needed. • If a fire extinguisher is available, do have it on standby as well. But do not use it unless it is an emergency and the fire is out of control. Prevention is better than cure! Build the campfire in a safe place, away from flammable materials

  21. Conclusion With good planning and proper preparations, a campfire can be a very enjoyable event for all.

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