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The Ejection Envelope

The Ejection Envelope. NACES SJU-17. Thanks to Jeff Nichols NAWCAD WASAW - Envelope Parameters. W eight. A irspeed/Velocity. A ttitude. S ink Rate. W ind. Phases of Ejection. Catapult Aerodynamic Loading Recovery. NACES (SJU-17). Weight. Preview of upcoming slides.

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The Ejection Envelope

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Ejection Envelope NACES SJU-17 Thanks to Jeff Nichols NAWCAD

  2. WASAW - Envelope Parameters Weight Airspeed/Velocity Attitude Sink Rate Wind

  3. Phases of Ejection • Catapult • Aerodynamic Loading • Recovery NACES (SJU-17)

  4. Weight

  5. Preview of upcoming slides

  6. Velocity and Sink Rate Mode II 280 Mode I Mode III • Orderly increase in altitude requirement up to 4000 fpm • Aerodynamic Loading • Sequencer • Mode I (<300) • Mode II (300 - 500) • Mode III (>500) • Recovery 40 10,000 4,000

  7. Velocity and Dive Angle 2000 • Lawn darts need more altitude 250 90

  8. Stay with me, now……….

  9. Velocity and Bank Angle Mode II 220 Mode I Mode III • Sequencer, again • Parachute opening, again 25 180 60

  10. Wind Speed • Factor in 0/0 • Recovery Phase • Forward velocity aids parachute inflation • Tailwind can slow down opening

  11. Scenario Based Terrain Clearance Requirement

  12. Summary “altitude is your friend” Ideal conditions: 136-213# occupant 2000’ agl Under 300 kts Straight and level

  13. The difference between & IS Questions? Comments!

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