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Teak wood grades and their applications

Teak wood grades and their applications and their differences.

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Teak wood grades and their applications

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  1. Teak wood grades & their applications.

  2. KEYPOINTS • Teakwood orientation • Grades of teak wood • Teak wood grade wise applications • Contact us

  3. Teak wood is found in Tropical and subtropical climates. It is native to south and southeast Asia mainly India, Indonesia Bangladesh, Malaysia, Myanmar Thailand etc. It is naturally resistant to outdoor elements including rain, UV lights, drastic temperature changes, wood eating insects etc.

  4. Grades of teak wood Grade 'A' It is the highest quality teak wood. It refers to timber that is taken from the very center of the heartwood of fully matured tree. Grade A teak can be identified by its golden brown color, close grains and it has a glossy surface.

  5. Grade 'B' Grade B teak refers to teak wood obtained from the outer section of the heartwood of the grade A teak, grade B teak has a lighter color and less natural oil content, uneven granular structure and less shine.

  6. Grade 'C' Grade C teak is not inferior quality teak wood. It refers to timber from the outer sections of a mature tree and logs of immature trees. Grade C teak contains no teak natural protective oils, has a very uneven color and it is very soft. Furniture that is made from grade C teak is even considered unsuitable for indoor use due to its softness that can result to poor quality products. Although it is taken from the same tree species, still grade C teak has no similarity to the Grade. Also it lacks in some natural properties like less durability, performance, and beauty.

  7. Contact us Nirmitee furniture Address: Nirmitee Signature, Pristine Arcade Wakad,Pune-411057. Telephone number: 020-25434358 Website: https://www.nirmiteefurniture.com

  8. Reference https://www.cyan-teak-furniture.com/faqs/materials-construction/what-are-the-different-teak-grades https://www.trippinwithtara.com/different-grades-of-teak-wood/ https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&source=images&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwi0jcSwrNXmAhU-8HMBHWysD0cQjRx6BAgBEAQ&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.sriramgroups.net%2Fghana-teak-wood.php&psig=AOvVaw1w9fhELfOSKOdxhS_AW1yi&ust=1577519484601238

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