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OUTPUTS AND RESULTS WP6 “NETWORKING” Closure Conference 1 February 2012, Kormoran Hotel, Samorin - Cilistov. DATOURWAY NETWORK. Total number of participating organizations: 143 Participation by partners countries: Hungary – 42 participants Serbia – 31 participants

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Presentation Transcript

  1. OUTPUTS AND RESULTS WP6 “NETWORKING” Closure Conference1 February 2012, Kormoran Hotel, Samorin - Cilistov

  2. DATOURWAY NETWORK Total number of participating organizations: 143 Participation by partners countries: • Hungary – 42 participants • Serbia – 31 participants • Bulgaria – 24 participants • Croatia – 21 participants • Italy – 18 participants • Slovakia – 8 participants • Romania – 7 participants

  3. DATOURWAY NETWORK Type of participants: • local authorities: municipalities, regions, provinces, counties • regional associations • river/water management authorities • regional development agencies/councils/centers for entrepreneurship • branch associations/chambers of commerce, industry, economy • tourism/sport/eco organizations • research institutes/centers/associations • private companies

  4. Participating organization certified their consent by signing Letters of Intent The networking database is published in the Conference book for the Network Building Conference on 25 November 2011 in Sofia Network Building Conference gathered more than 100 participants from the partners countries DATOURWAY NETWORK

  5. DATOURWAY NETWORK Programme of Network Building Conference 25 November 2011, Sofia • Official opening • Introduction of the DATOURWAY project – partnerships and stakeholders • Presentation of the Investment Guidebook • Networking activities: national/regional experience; DATOURWAY on-line forum • Presentation of successful cooperation, initiatives, good practices in the Danube region • Possibilities of Danube Tourist Destination Management. Establishment of Transnational Association of Danubian municipalities

  6. DATOURWAY NETWORK Follow – up: • Two organizations from Hungary and one from Bulgaria started the work on the establishment of International Association of Danubian Municipalities • After the popularization of the Network during the Network Building Conference new organizations are in process of joining Name, Place

  7. Contents Background: Background and purpose of the Guide Key facts about the River Danube Tourism potential along the Danube River Countries: Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Italy, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia Implemented tourist projects: Integrated tourism Eco-tourism Culture and historical tourism Tourist facilities and infrastructure Active tourism and water sports Big River Projects Guidebook

  8. Annexes: Annex 1, DATOURWAY project outputs Annex 2, Danube River’ main tributaries, ports and largest bridges over the Danube Annex 3, Useful Internet links Big River Projects Guidebook

  9. Big River Projects Guidebook Projects distribution by type of tourism: • Integrated tourism -24 projects • Eco-tourism - 16 projects • Culture and historical tourism – 13 projects • Tourist facilities and infrastructure – 9 projects • Active tourism and water sports – 10 projects Total number of projects: 72 9

  10. Big River Projects Guidebook Projects distribution by countries: • Bulgaria– 11 • Croatia – 9 • Hungary – 12 • Italy -13 • Romania – 10 • Serbia – 9 • Slovakia – 8 10

  11. Big River Projects Guidebook Projects distribution by countries: Bulgaria is most active in culture and historical tourism projects Croatia is most active in active tourism and water sports projects Hungary is most active in eco projects Italy, Serbia and Slovakia are most active in integrated projects Romania submitted equal number of integrated, eco and culture and historical tourism projects 11

  12. Big River Projects Guidebook General information for the projects: • Project beneficiary/promoter • Short description • Period of implementation • Project budget and source of financing • Additional sites of interest in proximity Big River Projects Guidebook was published in 4000 copies, presented during the Big River Conference on 24 November 2011 in Sofia, delivered to all partners and circulated in the DATOURWAY project region. 12

  13. With the joint efforts of the project partners the conference was recognized as an official event in the Programme of Priority Axis 3 of the European Strategy for the Danube Region. The Bulgarian EUSDR – PA3 coordinator Mr. Ivo Marinov, Deputy Minister for Economy, Energy and Tourism, officially opened the conference. Big River Conference24 November 2011, Sofia

  14. Programme Official opening European Strategy for the Danube Region as a Linkage between the Southeast European Regions Presentation of the DATOURWAY Project Presentation of the Big River Projects Guidebook Successful projects presentation Tourism Development along the Danube Potential for tourist development in the Danube Region Supporting social-economic conditions of tourism Improvement of environmental and infrastructural conditions for tourism Big River Conference24 November 2011, Sofia 14

  15. Beyond the scope of a habitual event’s conference book, but rather a means for dissemination of project results: Summary of the almost implemented project Updated description of the partners organizations Summarization of DATOURWAY project results Conferences’ programmes Networking database Presentation of key networking organization per countries Additional output – Conference book for BRC and NBC 15

  16. Thank you for your kind attention! George Tabakov Chairman Bulgaria Economic Forum

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