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Matters of Life and Death Quiz

Matters of Life and Death Quiz. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 8. 7. 12. 9. 10. 11. 1. How do Christians react to the Big Bang Theory?. Some Christians believe there is no conflict between science and religion. They believe the Big Bang and evolution are part of God’s plan.

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Matters of Life and Death Quiz

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Matters of Life and Death Quiz

  2. 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 7 12 9 10 11

  3. 1. How do Christians react to the Big Bang Theory? Some Christians believe there is no conflict between science and religion. They believe the Big Bang and evolution are part of God’s plan. Other Christians reject scientific theories instead believing that the creation story is true in all detail. They believe science to be wrong. back

  4. 2. What is the importance of the sanctity of life? It will determine Christians beliefs about issues of abortion and euthanasia. Christians value human life. Christians moral decisions will be guided by it. back

  5. 3. What are Christian responses to evolution? Some Christians feel evolution is not compatible with the Bible and reject it. Other Christians see no conflict between religion and science, as evolution is part of God’s plan. back

  6. 4. State three pro-life opinions. Life is a sacred gift from God. Life is believed to begin at conception Life has value, even if the child is born disabled. God has a plan for every human. back

  7. 5. What are Christian beliefs about life after death? The Bible and the Gospels talk of the death and resurrection of Jesus. Jesus taught Christians about an afterlife. Jesus taught that God sent him to Earth so that humans can have an eternal afterlife. back

  8. 6. State two non-religious arguments against life after death? Social control – Some people think that believing in an afterlife gives people a false sense of control over what they fear the most. Lack of evidence – There is no evidence of an afterlife, as no one has returned to prove it exists. back

  9. 7. What are the three types of Euthanasia? Voluntary – where a person’s life is ended deliberately and painlessly at their request. Assisted suicide – where a person is given the means to end their life. Non-voluntary – ending a persons life when they are unable to ask. back

  10. 8. State three Christian responses to caring for the world. The Bible teaches that we should care for the world. Christians see the world as a sacred gift from God. In death humans will be judged on how they treated the earth. back

  11. 9. Do Christians support the use of animals for food? God gave animals to humans to be food for them. The Bible states that humans have dominion over animals. Humans have souls and were made in God’s image and animals are not. Some Christians are vegetarians and do not eat animals but look to protect them. back

  12. 10. Do Christians believe in the paranormal? No, Christians do not believe in spirits, ghosts or events that are not mentioned or explained within the Bible. back

  13. 11. What is the significance of belief in life after death for Christians? Christians will try to live their life well and please God, so that they achieve eternal life in heaven. Christians are comforted that their loved ones live on after death. Christians have a purpose in life – to live as God intended so that they can be rewarded after death. back

  14. 12. State three arguments against euthanasia? All life is sacred It may lead to infanticide being allowed It is murder and against the Ten commandments back

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