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House of the Tragic Poet. By XX. Owner’s History. Salve! Poeta erat dominus huius domus . Is necabatur ab incendio . Hello! A poet was the owner of this house. He was killed by a fire. Lararium. Lararium est ipse magnus . Fecit auri lapidum .
House of the Tragic Poet By XX
Owner’s History Salve! Poetaeratdominushuiusdomus. Is necabaturabincendio. Hello! A poet was the owner of this house. He was killed by a fire.
Lararium Larariumest ipse magnus. Fecitaurilapidum. The shrine of the household gods is very large. It is made of golden stones.
Triclinium Tricliniumhabetdecemsellas. Estoptimusnammagnaefamiliae. The dining room has ten seats. It is excellent for large families.
Hortus et Peristylium Pulcherrimushortusestoptime circum. Peristyliumcompletomnemdomum. The beautiful garden is the best around. The peristyle completes the whole house.
Cubicula Sex cubiculisunt in hoc domi. Omnis cubiculum habetunafenestra. Six bedrooms are in this house. Each bedroom has one window.
Culina Culinaest mirabilis et facilisusurpare. Poetaretinuit id purum. The kitchen is wonderful and easy to use. The poet kept it spotless.
Other Information • The famous mosaics show many scenes from Greek mythology • It was discovered in November, 1824 by Antonio Bonucci • A typical 2nd century BC house • Amount and elaborateness of decoration of the house was quite unusual because the house itself wasn’t that remarkable in size