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Ilukirjandus ja infotehnoloogia. Kirsi Rannaste 2014. Teema valiku põhjendus. Millised on kirjanduse ja infotehnoloogia suhted? Milliseid võimalusi soovitavad oma ala spetsialistid – kuidas kasutada infotehnoloogia vahendeid ära kirjanduse õpetamisel? Kuidas õpetatakse kirjandust ?
Ilukirjandus ja infotehnoloogia Kirsi Rannaste 2014
Teema valiku põhjendus • Millised on kirjanduse ja infotehnoloogia suhted? • Milliseid võimalusi soovitavad oma ala spetsialistid – kuidas kasutada infotehnoloogia vahendeid ära kirjanduse õpetamisel? • Kuidas õpetatakse kirjandust ? -otsing Google’is -tulemused???
BookTrailerforReader – HowtoMakea BookTrailer • Üks paljudest võimalustest, kuidas tutvustada õpilastele teost • http://www.booktrailersforreaders.com/How+to+make+a+book+trailer • http://www.booktrailersforreaders.com/SSYRA+2013+2014+Nomination+Award+Book+Trailers
The virtual classroom – new technology for teaching African American literature – includes related article on Western Governor’s University – Cover Story • Artikkel virtuaalsest klassiruumist, kus õpetatakse kirjandust. • Selleks et õppida paremini tundma teatud kindla perioodi kirjandust/autoreid, on võimalik luua interaktiivne keskkond, kus õpilased näevad/kuulevad antud ajastut (muusika, tänavamüra, helid jne) ning selline keskkond aitab paremini mõista ka selle perioodi kirjandust. • http://diverseeducation.com/article/8340/
Ten Fun Ways to Use YouTube Videos in an Online Literature Class Artikkel sellest, kuidas kasutada kirjanduse tunnis YouTube'i videoid. Näiteks võib teha järgmist: • -kuulata, kuidas luuletajad loevad oma emakeeles oma luuletusi; • -intervjuud kirjanikega; • -vastava ajastu muusikapalade mängimine/esitamine; • -kirjandusteose põhjal tehtud filmi (või filmikatkendite) vaatamine ja analüüsimine; • -erinevate teose põhjal tehtud filmide (filmikatkendite) võrdlemine ja analüüsimine jne • http://www.facultyfocus.com/articles/teaching-with-technology-articles/ten-fun-ways-to-use-youtube-videos-in-an-online-literature-class/
MappingLiterature Artikkel sellest, kuidas GoogleMap’is koostada teose tegevuskohtadega kaart. • http://www.ala.org/aasl/aaslpubsandjournals/knowledgequest/kqwebarchives/v36/364/364cavanaugh
ReadingOnline • Artikkel sellest, miks ja kuidas kasutada kirjanduse õpetamisel WebQuest‘i tehnikat. • Literature-based WebQuests center the experience on reading by using books as the focal point for activities. Tasks might involve children in exploration of the theme, characters, plot, or setting of the book being studied. • http://english.clas.asu.edu/wq-giver
ELT NEWS – „Literaturestrikesback! TeachingLiteraturewithTechnology“ Kaks kreeka teadlast räägivad sellest, kuidas kasutada tehnoloogilisi vahendeid kirjanduse õpetamisel. • „…stressed the necessity to use technology as a Trojan horse in order to initiate students into the magic world of literature and lexis.“ • DigitalStorytelling • http://www.eltnews.gr/teaching_resources/801-%E2%80%9Cliterature-strikes-back-teaching-literature-with-technology%E2%80%9D
Literature, Science, and Technology Seeartikkel on teaduse, tehnoloogia, kirjanduse ja kunstisuhetest. • One of the most obvious and interesting forms of convergence between students of literature and computer science has come in the area of computer-generated narratives: computer scientists working in artificial intelligence (AI) and folkorists, narratologists, and structuralist theoreticians of story telling all break down stories into component parts or structures and attempt to show how meaningful narratives can be generated from these parts. • http://www.victorianweb.org/technology/litastech.html
Introduction: technology in teaching literature and culture: some reflections Seeartikkel on teaduse, tehnoloogia, kirjanduse ja kunstisuhetest. • How does technology affect the relationships between subject matter and teaching methodology? • thelibraryparallel • theseminar parallel • etc • As discussed above, something which is frequently overlooked is the interface between highlighting content and the appropriate use of technology which leads to successful implementations of digital learning resources. The projects which were demonstrated at the conference are not successful because they are technically complex, graphically stunning, or pedagogically different in their approach. • They have succeeded, however, in focusing upon interesting and relevant content, and applying technology to it with methods which are appropriate to a learning aim. • http://users.ox.ac.uk/~ctitext2/publish/occas/eurolit/porter.html
ICT as an Aid in Teaching English Literature and Bridging the Digital Divide Artikkel sellest, kuidas luule, proosa, draama ja kirjandusteooria õpetamisel kasutada infotehnoloogia vahendeid. Connectivity’ is a key-word when we talk about ICT. But there are a lot of questions which needs to be attended to while talking about ICT and connectivity. First is whether people are interested in using ICT tools. Next is whether the required infrastructure is available to them. Then, if it is available, are they competent enough to use them and derive benefit out of them. • http://bcjms.bhattercollege.ac.in/ict-as-an-aid-in-the-teaching-of-english-literature-and-bridging-the-digital-divide/
TeachingLiteratureElectronically Artikkel sellest, kuidas kasutada IKT vahendeid kirjanduse õpetamisel -Interactivetext-centeredmaterials. -CollaborativeStudent-centeredActivities. http://www.vcu.edu/engweb/webchap.htm