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Mladi na djelu & Europska Volonterska Služba. Radionice programa Mladi na djelu, prosinac 2009. Program Mladi na djelu. Najveći program Europske unije u području neformalnog obrazovanja koji je namijenjen: mladima u dobi od 15 do 28 godina (ili od 13 do 30 godina)
Mladi na djelu & Europska Volonterska Služba Radionice programa Mladi na djelu, prosinac 2009.
Program Mladi na djelu • Najveći program Europske unije u području neformalnog obrazovanja koji je namijenjen: • mladima u dobi od 15 do 28 godina (ili od 13 do 30 godina) • organizacijama mladih • osobama koje rade s mladima pruža financijsku potporu projektima za mlade PRIJAVE AMPEU: 1. veljače 2010. 1. travnja 2010. 1. lipnja 2010. AKCIJE: 1.1 - Razmjene mladih 1.2 - Inicijative mladih 1.3 - Demokratski projekti mladih 2 - EVS 4.3 - Osposobljavanje i umrežavanje
Ciljevi i prioriteti Programa • - promicanje aktivnog građanstva mladih • - razvijanje solidarnosti i promicanje • tolerancije među mladima • poticanje uzajamnog razumijevanja • među mladima iz različitih zemalja • - razvijanje kvalitetnih sustava potpore • aktivnostima i organizacijama mladih • promicanje europske suradnje u sektoru • mladih • Promiče: • aktivno građanstvo • solidarnost i toleranciju • uzajamna razumijevanja među • mladima iz različitih zemalja • razvijanje kvalitetnih sustava • potpore aktivnostima i • organizacijama mladih • europsku suradnju • Potiče: • europsko građanstvo • aktivno sudjelovanje • mladih u životu zajednice • kulturnu različitost • uključivanje mladih s • manje mogućnosti • Europska godina borbe • protiv siromaštva i • društvene isključenosti
Europska volonterska služba za mlade od 18 do 30 godina 2 - 12 mjeseci projekt - aktivnost - služba pojedinačno ili u grupama potiče se uključivanje mladih s manje mogućnosti volonteri ne smiju biti zamjena za plaćene zaposlenike volonteri su osigurani tijekom volonterske službe EVS Povelja EVS Sporazum o aktivnosti “Proces učenja” (program aktivnosti volontera+ neformalno učenje)
Sudjelovanje Javna tijela prihvatljivi predlagači Partnerstva u 2010.Programske zemlje (EU + CEFTA + Turska) Neprofitne organizacije
Subjekti Organizacija domaćin koja je odgovorna za smještaj, program aktivnosti i dobrobit volontera (eng. hostorganization) Volonter/ka Organizacija koja priprema i šalje volontera/ku (eng. sendingorganization)
Akreditacija bilo koja organizacija koja želi slati ili ugošćavati volontere mora biti akreditirana akreditacija služi osiguranju općih standarda kvalitete u EVS-u resursni centar SALTO za jugoistočnu Europu odgovoran je za akreditacije u ovom djelu Europe rok za podnošenje prijava za akreditaciju nije određen te pojedina organizacija može podnijeti zahtjev u bilo koje vrijeme, ovisno o planiranom EVS projektu(minimalno 6 tjedana prije prijave EVS projekta)
Osposobljavanja i evaluacija 4) evaluacija aktivnosti Treninzi 3) evaluacija za vrijeme aktivnosti 1) trening prije odlaska 2) trening po dolasku
Pravila financiranja Cjelokupan proračun EVS-a se dijeli na: 1) Troškovi putovanja - 100% / 90% u 2010. godini 2) Troškovi SO - jedinična cijena, 450€ x N/volontera 3) Troškovi HO - jedinična cijena, 450€ x N/volontera x N/mjeseci koje će volonter provesti u inozemstvu 4)Troškovi vize, boravišna dozvola - 100% 5)Džeparac volontera - određen za svaku zemlju 6) Dodatni troškovi diseminacije i širenja rezultata -100% Mladi s manje mogućnosti: 1)Unaprijed planirani posjet (APV) - 100% 2) Mentor (dodatna podrška) - jedinična cijena, 250€ x N/volontera x N/mjeseci u inozemstvu 3)Posebni troškovi, 100%
Primjer izračuna • Organizacija koja šalje volontera: Everything is possible UK, London • Organizacija domaćin: Udruga Mladi čuvari prirode HR, Zagreb • Broj volontera: 1 • Troškovi putovanja - povratna karta London - Zagreb, 600€ • Trošak SO - 450€ x 1 = 450€ • Trošak HO - 450€ x 1 x 12 = 5400€ • Troškovi vize - 250€ • Džeparac volontera - 60€ x 12 = 720€ • Dodatni troškovi za diseminaciju i širenje rezultata - 130€ • Ukupno: 7550 €
Pitanja? Hvala na pozornosti! sanja.zivoder@mobilnost.hr yia@mobilnost.hr www.mobilnost.hr
PRIJAVNI OBRAZAC Europska volonerska služba (EVS)
Part I. Proj ect identification and summary (cont.) Relevance to the g eneral objectives of the Youth in Action Programme Please tick relevant box(es). The project: p romotes young people’s active citizenship in general and their European citi zenship in particular ; d evelops solidarity and promote tolerance among young people, in particular in order to foster social cohesion in the European Union ; f osters mutual understanding between young people in differ ent countries ; c ontributes to developing the quality of support systems for youth activities and the capabilities of civil society organisations in the youth field ; p romotes European cooperation in the youth field. Relevance to the priorities of the Youth in Action Programme Please tick relevant box(es). Permanent thematic priorities Annual priorities European Citizenship If so, please specify : Partici pation of young people Cultural diversity Inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities 2010. Europska godina borbe protiv siromaštva i društvene isključenosti
Main themes for the Activity Please tick not more than 2 boxes. European awareness Minorities Social inclusion Urban/Rural development Inter - religious dialogue Youth policies Anti - discrimination Media and communica tions/Youth information Art and culture Education through sport and outdoor activities Gender equality Health Disability Environment Non - discrimination based on sexual Roma communities orientation Other - If so, please specify: Summary of the project Please give a short description of your project (approximately 10 - 15 lines ). Please note that if your project is approved, this paragraph may be used for publication. Therefore be accurate and include the venue, the type of project, the theme, the objectives, the duration in days, the countries involved, the number of participan ts, the implemented activities and the methods applied . This summary should be completed in English, French or German, regardless of which language you use to fill in the rest of this application. Please be concise and clear. Najviše 2 teme! Mora biti na engleskom, njemačkom ili francuskom!
Part II. Applicant A. Details of the applicant Name Street address Postcode City Region Country Email Website Telephone Telefax Person authorised to sign the contract on behalf of the applicant (legal representative) Family name (Ms /Mr ) First name Position/function Person in charge of the project (contact person) Family name (Ms /Mr ) First name Position/function Email Telephone Telefax Part II PRIJAVITELJ PROJEKTA Zakonski zastupnik (potpisuje ugovor) Voditelj projekta (kontakt osoba za projekt)
B. Profile of the applicant Type and status N on profit/non governmental Public body Informal group of young people organisation Body active at European level Other – please specify: in the youth field (ENGO) Activity level L ocal Regional National European/International Please give a short description of your organisation/group (regular activities, member of, etc.) and describe your competencies and motivation to comple te the proposed project . Has your organisation/group already received a EU grant? No Yes - specify funding received or applied for in the last financial year :
Part III. P artner p romoter (s) A. Detai ls of the partner Name Street address Postcode City Region Country Email Website Telephone Telefax Person in charge of the project (contact person) Family name (Ms /Mr ) First name Position/function Email Telephone Telefax B. Profile of the partner Type and status N on profit/non governmental Public body I nformal group of young people organisation Body active at European level in Other – please specify: the field of youth (ENGO) Activity level Local Regional National European/ International Member organisation of the applicant Please give a short description of your organisation/group (regular activities, member of, etc.) : C . Preliminary agreement of the partner I, the undersigned, on behalf of (repeat the name of the partner ) confirm our participation in each sta ge of the project (repeat the title of the project as stated in Part I): I declare having reached an agreement with all the promoters involved in the project with regard to the share of EU grant my orga nisation/ group is entitled to receive in order to imp lement the project. Furthermore, I confirm my undertaking to ensure visibility of the European Union support for the project and to ensure dissemination and exploitation of its results. Name in capital letters: Place: Signature: Date: Part III PARTNERI Po jedan za svakog partnera Potpisani original!
Part V OPIS AKTIVNOSTI Priložiti tjedni raspored aktivnosti volontera na posebnom listu
Check list Before returning this application form to the Executive Agency or to the National Agency, please check the following: v The application form must be accompanied by: official letter an from the applicant and all the other documents referred to in the application form. v The application must include the following documents: application form the present , duly completed and signed in original by the person authorised to enter into legally binding commitments on behalf of the applicant ( signatures required in Parts VI II Preliminary agreements and IX of this form), together with the of all partner promoters , duly completed and signed in original . Please note that Preliminary a greements can be provided in the form of fax (when submitting the application) on the condition that they are complemented by orginals that must be received by the NA before the Evaluation C ommittee takes place. v exceeding € 25 000 : Additional m andatory documents for grant requests In accordance with the provisions of the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities, all applicant promoters – with the exception of public bodies and informal groups of young people – to EU funding exceed ing € 25 000 must submit, together with their application form, the following financial documents: profit and loss accounts the of the applicant, and balance sheet the for the last financial year for which the accounts have been closed. The objective is to permit an assessment of the financial capacity of the applicant promoters. Please note there is no specific form to submit the information outlined above. v 1 0 N ational level only Additional mandatory documents for projects submitted at : o nly for non - gouvernmental organisations: an extract from the official gazette/trade register, and certificate of liability to VAT (if, as in certain countries, the trade register number and VAT number are identical, only one of these documents is required); only for public bodies: a legal resolution or decision or other official document established in respect of the public body ; o nly for informal groups of young people : identity card or a copy of the group representative's passport . 1 0 Th ese documents do not have to be provided if the applicant has already submitted them in occasion of a previous application under the Youth in Action Programme; on the condition that no changes ha ve been occurred in the meantime. CHECK LIST
Popratni dokumenti • Službeno pismo • Tjedni raspored aktivnosti • Part III svih partnera • Profit and loss acounts i balance sheet for the last financial year (ako je traženi grant veći od 25 000 €) • Udruga: izvadak iz registra udruga • Javno tijelo: zakonsko rješenje ili odluka o uspostavi • Neformalna skupina mladih: kopija osobne iskaznice ili putovnice jednog od članova grupe