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Education/Graduation Plan

Education/Graduation Plan. My name is Yolanda Segura. I am part of the computer class at Andres Duarte. I have learned so much in this class. To my instructors, thank you! This is just a sample of what I have learned.

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Education/Graduation Plan

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  1. Education/Graduation Plan My name is Yolanda Segura. I am part of the computer class at Andres Duarte. I have learned so much in this class. To my instructors, thank you! This is just a sample of what I have learned. I dedicate this project to my children, grandchildren and my great-grand daughter. The joy they have brought to my life is unexplainable! I hope the know how much I want to do good for them and with them.

  2. Knowhow2go.org Grade 9: -Start the year by getting organized and practice good study habits. -Make sure student is enrolled in Geometry and Algebra Grade 10: Prepare student for taking tests to complete High School Graduation Requirements. -Arrange for visit to an area Career Center. Grade 11: -Verify student is on task for college /discuss college interests. -Make sure student is registered to take SAT1 or ACT. Find books to help prepare for tests, Grade 12: -Encourage student to enroll in classes that offer college credit such as Advance Placement ands Dual Enrollment. -Help apply for – Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), Forms due Jan. 1 and March 10

  3. CaliforniaColleges.edu A higher education is very important. All students should think of going to college. Parents should encourage their children at an early age on the possibility of attending college. We must talk to our children of the importance education has in their life. In order to have a good life, one must earn more money. To earn more money, one must have a college degree. Motivate your child as soon as they start school. Have them talk to you about their day at school. As they get older, have them read to you and do extra schoolwork at home. Let them participate in extra-curricular activities. Encourage them to challenge themselves in math and writing. Colleges are looking for students that have taken college-prep classes. Once your child is in jr. high, make sure they are enrolled in Algebra/Geometry. As they reaches high school, make sure he/she is taking the correct core classes, such as Math, English, social studies and a Foreign Language. You should talk to your child about visiting various colleges. Students should look into the financial portion of college. Have them visit a local Career Center. .All students must prepare for college by studying for the Entrance Test for college, ACT or SAT.

  4. Aplaceofourown.org Aplaceofourown.org You child is an empty well waiting for you to fill it up. It’s up to you what will go into it. All children should be read to, no matter how young they are. Use the age appropriate tools to help them stay focused on the activities at hand. Use objects that are safe for them to hold. Their vocabulary will grow as you read to them. As they get older, repeat the words as clear as possible. It is important to teach children to be creative. A child should be allowed to use its imagination. When you tell your child a story, let him/her help you add details to make it interesting. Remember, the more exciting the story, the more engaged the child will become. When you are in the kitchen, let them do some investigating of their own. Letting them hold utensils and taste things that are safe, will be a great and positive experience. Ask them questions as you. Remember to answer their questions, as there are no silly questions. Take your children out on an excursion. If you are driving, read out the signs you pass by. Tell them the significance of the sign. Allow them to collect objects that peak their interest. Teach them to make up stories as they venture through the things you are collecting. Make time with your children, tell them stories of your childhood. Tell them of how you did in school. When possible, use pictures of you, so they will see you were once a child just like them. Share as much as possible of your childhood, so they can connect with you and your life learning experiences. Start creating a scrapbook with them of their life. This be a lifetime memory for you and for them!

  5. FACEBOOK Facebook is the connection for those people that have been misplaced! I think it happens to be the best source of communication today. If you want to find a friend, or if you want to communicate with someone out of state, go to Facebook! Never give out more information then necessary ! Keep yourself and others safe .Facebook is not a place for insults! Always remember to demonstrate courtesy and proper manners. You can use Facebook to announce an upcoming event. You can also share ideas and music videos.

  6. Duarte Unified School District Duarte Unified School District students will receive an education established by the California Education Code and the Local school Board. Students must complete 220 credits to graduate. Children entering must school must be 5 years old on or before December 2nd, live in local area and have his/her Immunization up to date. Free or Reduced lunch is offered for all students. Applications are on www.duarte.k12.ca.us/ Elementary and Jr. High Schools are on Uniform Code. School Based Clinic on the Beardslee Campus. Students taking medication (prescription/over the counter) must provide a Dr. written note. Extended Day Care is offered on most campuses. For more information on prices and services, contact your local school. Andres Duarte School offers Parent Support on Fridays starting at 8:15. Beardslee School offers English as a Second Language to District Parents on Tues.-Wed., and Thurs. 6-7pm. For tips and help for your students log on to the website www.duarte.k12.us under the Parent guide.

  7. The Beehive.Org INTERNET SAFETY FORUM KIDS and FAMILY The internet can be a dangerous place for kids, if they are not instructed properly. Many problems can arise from using the internet. Predators, Cyber Bullying, Drug Pushers, and Inappropriate Material are all a real danger to your children. Protect your children from predators. Talk to them about not giving out personal information. Address, cell phone numbers, city and pictures of themselves is to personal for them to share on the internet. Have a talk with them about proper conversations to have on the IM or other chat rooms. Discuss what is appropriate and safe screen name. Cyber Bulling id dangerous because it causes low self-esteem and depression. Kids tend to skip school after the bullying starts because they don’t feel safe. Young people don’t understand the situation and suicide is the only solution a child feels he/she has. The danger of Online Drug Pushers, is a big problem. Parents, don’t allow your children to open mailed packages without your presence. Talk to them about the dangers of the Drugs. Let them see the destruction the drugs cause. Parents can help protect their children by using Parental Control. This software blocks out (Filters) websites with inappropriate content (violence, sex, drugs). You can choose what to block, chat rooms , file sharing, or Emails. You control the time and what your child does on the internet. Internet is a great tool for those who intend to use it wisely. Parents are the safest tool to the proper usage of computers. Keeping our children safe on the internet, should be the priority for all.

  8. County of Los Angeles Public Library Your local library is the world is at your hands. Any help you might need, you will find on the library website. Travel information, local or through out the world, is as easy as a click. The library card and excess to a computer, is the only thing you will need to begin your search. For information on how to receive a library card, contact your local library. To find a library near you, or a map go, on line and look under Public Library. The library website can be the tool you need to help find that help for you and your student. The library website offers all the help you will need to take on any task. No matter how small or large the task might be, the library website has all the material and meads you will need. The website offers everything from learning, purchasing music and book to download. The newspaper is available, as is leaning a new language. Movies are available also. Educational help is now easier through the services offered on the library website. Students can get help online. Actual teachers are ready to help students with any academic problem. Booklists are available for the different age levels. Learning games are assessable on the library website. Preparation of Taxes is also available. Information on Health and business is made easy the website.

  9. Parents The Ant-Drug.Com The most dangerous time for students to be alone is between the hours of 3-6 p.m. Always make sure you know who your children are with. Rules should be set so that children will know there are consequences for bad choices. Keep the communication open with your child. There are four questions you should always ask your child , who are you with, what are you doing, where are you and when are you coming home? In the event your child makes a bad choice, don’t make punishments severe or negative. This will only undermine the quality of the parent-child relationship. Remember, by staying involved in your child’s life, you will make a difference in the choices he/she will make towards a positive life. Drugs destroy lives everyday. It is very important for parents to talk to their children about drugs and the damage they cause. Alcohol, Inhalants, Marijuana, Cocaine and other drugs are being offered to children as candy. You, as parents are to advice your children to beware of their danger. You need to be aware of the company your children keep. Keep them occupied in school and extra-curricular activities. Be aware of the changes your child is going through. Peer pressure is the number one reason kids will experiment on things that will harm them. Children will tend to follow their parents footsteps, so they must be good role models. Don’t be afraid to talk to your child to abstain from alcohol and the dangers of drugs. Children need to feel valued and they will more likely be responsible.

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