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Birthdays in the USA

Birthdays in the USA. In every culture people celebrate impotent dates. Birthdays often represent coming of age, or when a person is grown up. These dates are different in many cultures. Remember, in the US there are MANY different cultures!!.

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Birthdays in the USA

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Birthdays in the USA

  2. In every culture people celebrate impotent dates. Birthdays often represent coming of age, or when a person is grown up. These dates are different in many cultures.

  3. Remember, in the US there are MANY different cultures!! • In Judaism, Bar Mitzvah (Hebrew:)is the terms to describe the coming of age of a Jewish boy or girl.According to Jewish law, when Jewish children reach the age of majority (generally thirteen years for boys and twelve for girls) they become responsible for their own actions. Information taken from online resource

  4. Quinceaneara In Hispanic Cultures they celebrate when girls turn 15. Usually there is a big party, sometimes the celebration of a Quinceanera is as big as a wedding.

  5. Sixteen • Sixteen is a big year for everyone living in America, it is the year you can legally get a drivers license. • Many Sixteen year olds will get a new car or there first car on their birthday.

  6. Eighteen • 18 – Eighteen is the year of maturity, it is the year you are considered an adult. • After 18 your parents are no longer required to take car of you by law (most still do). If a person is not happy at home, at 18 they may leave. • At 18 you are legally able to get married, smoke, vote, and enter the military.

  7. Twenty-one • At twenty-one people consider themselves adults. Most live on there own or are about to graduate from University. It is also the legal “drinking age” in America.

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