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How’d They Do That?

How’d They Do That?. Making Progress-Monitoring Work For You. Progress Monitor. Data. You. Park City. Old Model. Science Rules!. What are the. BIG ROCKS. of data?. What are the. VITAL BEHAVIORS. of data?. What are the. CRITICAL MOVES. of data?. BIG ROCKS. I.D. Students.

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How’d They Do That?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. How’d They Do That? • Making Progress-Monitoring Work For You

  2. Progress Monitor Data You Park City Old Model

  3. Science Rules!

  4. What are the BIG ROCKS of data?

  5. What are the VITAL BEHAVIORS of data?

  6. What are the CRITICAL MOVES of data?

  7. BIG ROCKS I.D. Students Materials Procedures Data System

  8. Before • Who will be using CBM? • Which CBM skills will be implemented? • What materials will we use? • When will implementation start? • Who will train the staff?

  9. During • Who will manage the materials? • Who will collect the data? • Where will the data be collected?

  10. After • Who will manage the data once collected? • How will the data be shared?

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