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“Coordinating Housing with Education”--Tools for Helping Families Choose Good Schools

“Coordinating Housing with Education”--Tools for Helping Families Choose Good Schools. OVERVIEW. The “Coordinating Housing with Education” effort Education link to HUD Strategic Plan Tools and Resources Available to Parents Featured presentation by GreatSchools Q&A.

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“Coordinating Housing with Education”--Tools for Helping Families Choose Good Schools

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Presentation Transcript

  1. “Coordinating Housing with Education”--Tools for Helping Families Choose Good Schools

  2. OVERVIEW The “Coordinating Housing with Education” effort Education link to HUD Strategic Plan Tools and Resources Available to Parents Featured presentation by GreatSchools Q&A

  3. Coordinating Housing with Education An ongoing HUD effort to provide low income parents with on-line tools and resources that will enable them to: Find good performing schools in their neighborhoods that meet their child’s needs; Make informed educational choices for their children; and Empower them to become further involved in their children’s education.

  4. Education Link to HUD Strategic Plan HUD Stragetic Plan Goal 3: Utilize Housing as a Platform for Improving Quality of Life. Stable housing, made possible with HUD support, provides an ideal platform for delivering a wide variety of health and social services to improve health, eduation, and economic outcomes.

  5. Utilize HUD Assistance to Improve Educational Outcomes and Early Learning and Development Increase access to high-performing schools through HUD policies and partnerships with federal, state, and local programs. Increase access to high-quality early learning programs and services through incentives and coordination with federal, state, and local programs. Provide incentives for using evidence-based strategies that encourage and improve family engagement in positive child development and learning. Increase access to broadband Internet and other technology.

  6. Tools and Resources available to parents There are several entities that offer free on-line tools and resources that can be helpful to low-income parents with school-aged children. Some examples include: GreatSchools -- www.GreatSchools.org National Center for Education Statistics – http://nces.ed.gov/globallocator/ Communities in Schools – http://www.communitiesinschools.org The Parental Information and Resource Center (PIRC) – http://www.nationalpirc.org/pircs/ The National Association for the Education of Young Children  http://www.naeyc.org/families FindYouthInfo.gov -- http://www.findyouthinfo.gov/

  7. FindYouthInfo.gov Features a variety of interactive tools and resources designed to support individual and community efforts to develop quality programs for youth. Developed by Interagency Working Group on Youth Programs. Online features include: A Collaboration Center for building youth-serving partnerships A searchable database of evidence-based programs Interactive mapping tools In depth federal information on youth topics Web links to federal youth-focused resources An opportunity to provide input on a federal strategic plan for youth policy

  8. For more information Refer to the HUD Community and Supportive Services Resource Website: http://portal.hud.gov/hudportal/HUD?src=/program_offices/public_indian_housing/programs/ph/hope6/css/news

  9. HUD CONTACTS Maria Queen Office of Public and Indian Housing, HUD Maria-Lana.Queen@hud.gov Sarah Richey-Johnson Office of Multifamily Housing, Neighborhood Networks Division Sarah.S.Richey@hud.gov Dina Lehmann-Kim Office of Public and Indian Housing, PH Neighborhood Networks Dina.Lehmann-Kim@hud.gov


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