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Experience of Kazakhstan in establishing and institutional development of Sector Councils Kazakhstan Tourist Association ( KTA ) Kazakhstan Association of Hotels and Restaurants ( KAGIR ) Shaikenova Rashida Rashidovna. Bishkek, April 14 , 201 4. Contents
Experience of Kazakhstan in establishing and institutional development of Sector Councils Kazakhstan Tourist Association (KTA) Kazakhstan Association of Hotels and Restaurants(KAGIR) ShaikenovaRashidaRashidovna Bishkek, April 14, 2014
Contents • 1. How and why Sector Councils were established in Kazakhstan • 2. Composition of Sector Councils • 3. Cooperation between Sector Councils and organizations • 4. The activity of Sector Councils (financing and legal status ) • 5. The role SC in development of professional skills (role in analysis by sectors, development of SAB, certification) • 6. Development of Sector Councils
National Council on TVE The National Council coordinates the activity of sector and regional councils, takes key decisions on supply the economy sectors with qualified staff and development of TVE. Working Group was set up under the RSMC to discuss TVE development and 6 Working Subgroups started their activity in following directions: • Determining the balance of labour resources; • Mechanisms on involvement of employers in training; • TVET system management mechanisms; • Development of professional standards; • Certification of qualification of specialists; • Ensuring the prestige and TVE development.
14 Sector Councils on TVE were established in 2011 Representatives of interested public organizations, professional associations, employers and VS of TVET system are members of Sector Councils. The following issues were considered on SC meetings: • 1) identification of demand in qualified staff by sector including: new occupations (in qualitative and quantitative terms ); • 2) development of sector qualifications framework, professional standards. • 3) preparing a state order on training of qualified workers; • 4) supply projects FIIR 2010-2014, Business Road Map-2020 with qualified personnel through the program “Employment 2020”.
14 Sector Councils on TVE 1. Ministry of Transport and Communications of the RK – 5 councils • Civil aviation; • Road transport; • Railway transport; • Water transport; • Communications,IT and information. 2. Ministry of Industry and New Technologies of the RK – 7 councils • Metallurgy; • Chemistry and pharmaceutics; • Construction and woodworking; • Engineering; • Light Industry; • Energy and Coal industry; • Tourism 3. Ministry of Agriculture of the RK – 1 4. Ministry of Oil and Gasof the RK – 1
Objectives of Sector Councils 1. Sector council on TVE is advisory and consultative body which coordinates the activity on supply the sectors of economy with qualified personnel (further as the Council). 2. The objective of SC is to facilitate the development of labor resources and coordinate the supply of economy sectors with qualified personnel. 3. In implementing its activity, the Council follows the principles such as: - priority in training of qualified personnel for development of industrial and innovative economy sectors. - public and private partnership, social responsibility of business community and public organizations in training of qualified personnel
Activity of Sector Councils 1. Chairman of the Council is appointed from the members of local executive body of the region. 2. Council hold its meetings as necessary but not less than 2 times in half of the year. Decision of the Council is taken by the majority of votes of attended members. Meeting of the Council is valid if it is attended at least by half of its members. 3. The activity of the Council is headed by its Chairman on voluntary basis and in his absence by the Deputy Chairman. 4. In order to implement the tasks of the Council, Working Groups of the Council can be set up. 5. Within its powers, the Council takes decisions which are of recommendatory nature. Decisions of the Council are registered in protocols. Secretary of the Council is to be appointed for record keeping. 6. Costs related to the implementation of the Council’ tasks are to be at the expense of organizations-members of the Council
Powers of Sector Councils 1) To develop proposals on legal draft documents on training and retraining of personnel for economy sectors in the region; 2) to submit proposals to Sector Council on improvement of the training and retraining system for economy sectors in the region; 3) to conduct an expert review of programs and measures on personnel training and retraining which are under the process of development; 4) to request and receive from government agencies, providers of vocational training, associations and unions of enterprises the necessary information and materials related to its activity on training of workers for the economy sectors in the region
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