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PBX phone system stands for ‘Private Branch Exchange’ phone system that is an organization’s private telephone network that connects the internal telephones within the organization while also connecting them to the VOIP providers, Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) and SIP Trunks.
PBX phone system – A cost-effective alternative to telephone lines Facilitate speedy and affordable communication within your organization - Install PBX Communication is the process of information flow. It is the way by which we exchange our thoughts, ideas and any other form of information with each other. A better communication is very important for a better understanding. When it comes to communication in any organization, it becomes even more critical that information to people is passed quickly and correctly. However it is a bit challenging as an organization may have multiple departments and since all the departments are inter-related, any incorrect or delayed information can affect the entire business, regardless whether the harm is small or big. Therefore, PBX phone system is one such tool that can facilitate the quick communication within the organization. PBX phone system – What is it and how is it beneficial for the organizations? PBX pho?e s?ste? sta?ds for ?Pri?ate Bra??h E??ha?ge? pho?e system that is an orga?izatio??s pri?ate telepho?e ?et?ork that ?o??e?ts the i?ter?al telepho?es ?ithi? the organization while also connecting them to the VOIP providers, Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) and SIP Trunks. The number can be shared for making external calls as well. A PBX system consists of the following: • Multiple telepho?es li?es ?telepho?e tru?k? that are ?o??e?ted ?ith the PBX.
• A ?o?puter ?ith storage to ?a?age the s?it?hi?g of ?alls i? PBX, i?ter?all? as ?ell as externally. • Network of telephone lines within the PBX • A s?it?h?oard or a ?o?sole for a perso? to operate it ?a?uall?, ?hi?h ?a? ?e optio?al. PBX system is an alternative and cheaper solution for establishing communication between multiple departments inside an organization. Every department is provided with an e?te?sio?, a ?aller dials o? to a si?gle ?o?pa???s ?u??er fro? ?here the ?all gets connected to any department on providing the extension. Therefore, PBX system saves an orga?izatio??s e?pe?se ?? redu?i?g the ?u??er of lines. Initially, PBX system in Dubai and UAE was responsible for routing the incoming calls to the correct extensions, but with advancements in the technology, more features have been added such as, voicemails, automated greetings, dialing menus, conference calling, etc. Types of PBX system in Dubai: There are basically four types of PBX systems used in Dubai and UAE: • Co??e?tio?al PBX: This used a pho?e ?o? that ?o??e?ted all the other pho?e li?es ?hi?h was, in turn, connected with the service provider. It was operated manually. • IP PBX: This is a soft?are-based solution which facilitates certain tasks and provides services that are not possible or could be costly when using conventional PBX. • H??rid PBX: Ble?ds the features of the ?o??e?tional as well as VoIP model. It enables calling through internet and is an affordable communication alternative for those organizations who have to make calls in the other countries. • SIP PBX: It sta?ds for Sessio? i?itiatio? Proto?ol. I? UAE this is the ?ost recent technology in which other devices such as mobiles and laptops can also be connected with the PBX system. Depending upon the scope of the business, an organization can install any type of PBX system to fast track its communication process!