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This study delves into the theoretical aspects of resummation in the transversely polarized Drell-Yan process, covering topics such as spin asymmetry, transversity distribution, Q_T distribution, and NLL resummation effects. The calculations include 1-loop MS-bar scheme integrations, splitting functions, and contour deformations in b-integration. The results provide insights into transverse asymmetry and the impact of soft gluon emissions on the process.
QTresummation in transversely polarized Drell-Yan process Hiroyuki Kawamura (RIKEN) Oct. 6, 2005 RADCOR2005, Shonan Village work in common with J. Kodaira (KEK) H. Shimizu (KEK) K. Tanaka (Juntendo U)
Introduction Spin projects at RHIC pp collider experiment with longitudinal/transverse polarization 2001 ~ 2004 ~ RUN4 s =200 GeV 2005 RUN5 − helicity structure of the proton gluon polarization − spin dependent dynamics large single spin asymmetry ↔ T-odd FF − transverse structure transversity distribution “tDY” process
Transversity distribution function Ralston & Soper ‘79 − last unmeasured twist-2 pdf − chiral-odd (not measured in DIS) − relativistic effect − Soffer’s inequality Soffer ‘95 − DGLAP splitting functions 1-loop : Artru & Mukhfi ’90 2-loop : Hayashigaki et.al. ‘97, Kumano&Miyama ‘97, Vogelsang ‘98
Transversely Polarized DY process — Only q-qbar initial state contributes. — Transverse asymmetry cos(2φ) → observe φof the final lepton 1-loop corrections to tDY • No direct calculation in D-dim. • — D-dim. calculation keepingφ: cumbersome compared with unpol. case. • 1-loop, MS-bar for Q_T integrated cross section using scheme tr. Vogelsang ‘98 We calculated Q_T distribution of DY pair directly in D-dimension.
1-loop calculations Partonic Cross Section • calculation in MS-bar scheme • naive anti-commuting Tree + Virtual corrections
Real emission lengthy but all O(ε) terms cancel in collinear limit
1-loop result X: singular at qT =0, Y: finite at qT =0 Splitting function Artru & Mukhi ‘90
1-loop result (cont’d) — All terms are finite as Q_T → 0 — By integrating X+Y w.r.t. Q_T, we reproduced the known result.
QT resummation QT distribution of DY-pair → recoil logs ; QT << Q ;Soft gluon emission become important → resummation needed. Leading Logs (LL) Next to Leading Logs (NLL) NNLL etc. Finite terms O(а) fixed order calculation NLO resummation
Collins, Soper ’81 Collins, Soper, Sterman ‘85 General formula • Momentum conservation → Impact parameter space b • General formula — A, B, C are perturbtively calculable.
Resummation at NLL • NLL approximation • From 1-loop result, consistent with general relations De Florian & Grazzini ‘00 Kodaira & Trantadue ‘82 → Together with Y terms at O(α), we obtained the first result of NLL Q_T resummation formula of tDY.
Contour deformation method Landau pole at in Sudakov factor b Contour deformation in b-integration : C1 bmax bL → C2 Hankel like fn. positive frequency negative frequency — introduced in “Joint resummation”. Laenen et al. ‘01 Kulesza et al. ‘02 — no need to introduce bmax as in b* formalism. —reproduce perturbative results order by order. cf. Minimal prescription in threshold resummation
Numerical calculations • PDF − a model given by Martin, Shäfer, Stratmann,Vogelsang (‘98). (1) at initial scale (2) evolved to complex scale : b0/b numerically 2.Small b : Catani et al. ‘93 Bozzi et al. ’03 → expS(b,Q) = 1 at b=0 (correct overall normalization) 3. Non-perturbative effects ↔ IR renormalon ambiguity from Landau pole intrinsic kT simplest form :
s = 100 GeV, Q = 10 GeV, y=0 FNP(b)=exp(-0.5b2)
Summary • Chiral-odd distribution can be measured in transversely polarized Drell-Yan process by measuring φdependence of the cross section. • We calculated O(α) corrections to QT-distribution of DY pair • in MS-bar scheme. • The soft gluon effects are included all order resummation at NLL accuracy. — b-integral defined by contour deformation • Spin asymmetry 10 % at (S, Q, y) = (100GeV, 10GeV, 0) at most. — difficult to measure at RHIC — fixed target experiment at GSI?