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Attaining success is a big hurdle to overcome. V Subramanian, Managing Director of VV minerals has been widely instrumental in overcoming the same. A firm believer, in a child’s education, Mr. V Subramanian founded VV Charitable Trust to assist children by offering them free education. Known to pick the right investment, Mr. V Subramanian penchant of seeking such investments came to use for the benefits of VV minerals.
Director of VV Mineral, Subramanian has been instrumental in the company’s growth • He has been responsible for improving the garnet and ilmenite market • V Subramanian, joined the family owned company back in 2002 and ever since has sought ways to modernise the functions of the company http://vvmineralblog.wordpress.com
V Subramanian joined the management team of VV Mineral in April 2002, after completing his post graduation in Business Administration from St Xaviers College, India • In his first two years, he managed the accounts and finance of the heavy mineral mining company and would further be involved in diversification of the textile business http://vvmineral.wordpress.com
Known to pick the right investment, Mr. V Subramanian penchant of seeking such investments came in handy when the company took over Kilburn Chemicals in 2011 • Now the company is known as VV Titanium Pigments which specifically looks to the needs of the Indian market http://vvmineralmining.wordpress.com
A firm believer, in a child’s education, Mr. V Subramanian founded VV Charitable Trust to assist children by offering them free education • V Subramanian believes in India’s domestic market and sees an enormous potential in the country for further growth http://vvmineral-mining.blogspot.in
About the Company • The company is owned by Mr V Subramanian, father Vaikundarajan • Other eminent members that make up the team of Managing Directors of V.V. Mineral include Mr. S. Jegatheesan, J. Muthurajan, V. Velmurugan and J. ChenthilRajan http://vvmineralmining.blogspot.in
V VMinearl Blogs http://vvmineralblog.wordpress.com http://vvmineral.wordpress.com http://vvmineralmining.wordpress.com http://vvmineral-mining.blogspot.in http://vvmineralmining.blogspot.in
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