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Alimony Payments

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  1. Spousal support and alimony payments are often an issue for people who have married and who continue to live together. Alimony is designed to help the other person who has been awarded support through the marriage make a living setting for themselves and their children that they can sustain. This is usually done by allowing each party to pay a predetermined portion of the other's income for a stipulated time period. This is one way that spousal support is typically used to keep people connected in life after a divorce. While it is particularly important to have a monthly budget, especially if there are children involved, there are cases where support is waived completely and both parties go their separate ways. If a divorce action has been filed, but has not yet gone to trial or appeal, the spouses will decide in the court which method of support will be used. The decision is arrived at after comparing the income and assets of each party involved. This can be an extremely hard decision for either spouse as neither party wants to have to pay less than they are worth. Many times, alimony is suspended until the case is settled in court and either party decides whether or not they will accept support payments during this suspension. There are many circumstances where support is stopped during the course of a trial or appeal. When support has been stopped for good reason, then the person who had the support payments will need to find new ways to pay them. Alimony payments can often be restarted after the conclusion of a trial or appeal, if the spouse who had the support previously decides that they want to try again. There are a few different ways that spousal support and alimony can end. If the supporting spouse dies, then the payer becomes the executor of their estate. They will then have to make all of the financial decisions for the estate. There are some states that allow the courts to order administration. This means that the court can simply stop the payments and the property will be sold to pay off the debts. The courts usually want to see a Will be prepared so that this can be done in an orderly manner. Another common ending for alimony payments is divorce. This happens when a spouse remarries. The new marriage does alimony not change the support obligation that was formerly awarded. There is also a time period in which the recipient cannot petition for a new spousal support payment because of their previous marriage. Spousal support is meant to help a spouse make their home care less of a burden by helping with the cost of living. It is meant to be a companion in the years following a marriage rather than a strict guideline. Alimony payments should be reviewed periodically to make sure they fit into your lifestyle and budget. It would be wise to speak with a qualified attorney to discuss your options regarding alimony payments and alimony support. The Law Offices of Brandon C. Mayberry has the dedicated counsel you need when you need it. You attorney should be as invested in your case as you are. You deserve that level of attention and service. Call The Law Offices of Brandon C. Mayberry today at 618-579-5250. They’re experienced Southern Illinois Attorneys and their practice

  2. areas include Family Law, Personal Injury, Property Issues, Criminal and DUI Defense. Visit The Law Offices of Brandon C. Mayberry website today at https://www.bmayberrylaw.com/ and you will be happy that you did!

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