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A 1 + 2 Approach to Language Learning Where we are at… In East Dunbartonshire Council (EDC)

A 1 + 2 Approach to Language Learning Where we are at… In East Dunbartonshire Council (EDC). January 2013 – formation of EDC Steering Group who, initially, would focus on three main recommendations that schools offer children access to an additional language from P1 (L2)

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A 1 + 2 Approach to Language Learning Where we are at… In East Dunbartonshire Council (EDC)

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  1. A 1 + 2 Approach to Language Learning • Where we are at… • In East Dunbartonshire Council (EDC)

  2. January 2013 – formation of EDC Steering Group who, initially, would focus on three main recommendations • that schools offer children access to an additional language from P1 (L2) • that a second additional language (L3) be introduced for pupils at a later stage in the primary school, but no later than P5 • That language learning be recognised as an entitlement for all young people, through to the end of their broad, general education, S1 to S3

  3. February 2013 – audit of modern languages provision across all sectors • March 2013 – audit collated and disseminated to schools • Findings presented to EDC Education Leadership Team

  4. Key Findings would inform our shorter term targets • Positive messages in relation to current language provision at P6/7 Stages and also at other stages / some primaries had capacity to begin the study of a second language from P1 / some primaries had introduced a third language taster course, as part of an inter disciplinary experience in the upper stages of primary school. • High number of MLPS and GLPS trained primary teachers • Range of languages that secondary staff are able to offer including French, German, Italian, Spanish and Mandarin

  5. Key findings also helped to identify challenges • which languages would be taught from P1 to S3, with built in curricular articulation and meaningful progression • aspirations for secondary schools to re visit L3 taught in their associated primary schools

  6. Cluster planning is already strongly supported in EDC • Our aim is that School /Cluster Improvement Plans will have A 1 + 2 Approach from 2014 onwards • The above cluster opportunities will now be expanded to target teaching, learning and assessment in modern languages • Three clusters where audit showed existing capacity to do so, this year, are piloting L3 work, to help inform EDC strategy for next year.

  7. St Ninian's High School cluster • All associated primaries are taught Mandarin in P5/P6/P7 - IDL approach • At end of S1, May 2014, secondary option column will offer 4 periods of Mandarin or 2 of each of French and Spanish, to be studied to the end of the BGE Bearsden Academy cluster • All primaries and Bearsden Academy are sharing Tianjin visiting teacher on a rotational basis, to enhance their existing study of Chinese culture by introducing Mandarin language Bishopbriggs Academy cluster • Working group to look at options, including Gaelic, German Mandarin or French Lairdsland Primary School • Teacher is undertaking qualification in Mandarin

  8. Funding - September 013 - March 2014- per capita • Development Officer in Modern Languages - new, temporary post • Training -French for Infant Stages - 2 tranches of 5 day sessions with cover provided • Match funding of German Erasmus student - hope to increase this provision • On - line subscription costs • Support to school exchanges • New recruit MLPS training as and when needed

  9. Support from partners, such as COALA, cultural organisations, businesses, colleges, universities will continue to be accessed. • DO will work in schools to build confidence and capacity to deliver a second language from P1 - S3. This will include the provision of advice, training, planning exemplifications and advice on teaching approaches and skills progression • Infant Stage / New recruit MLPS P6 / P7 training factored in as and when needed (150 trained at present) • Develop business champions, languages linked, employability initiatives

  10. Would welcome in the future • that distribution of the Scottish Government Languages Grant will continue beyond 2013/2014 • that central guidance on MLPS training will evolve, to ensure consistency of the quality of the training across Scotland - GLOW? • that Foreign Languages Assistants could be centrally funded, separate fund from the language per capita funding per local authority

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