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ST workshop 2005. O.N.Shcherbinin, F.V.Chernyshev, V.V.Dyachenko , V.K.Gusev, Yu.V.Petrov, N.V.Sakharov. Numeric al modeling and experimental study of ICR heating in the spherical tokamak Globus-M. A.F.Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute, St.Petersburg, Russia. Outline.
ST workshop 2005 O.N.Shcherbinin, F.V.Chernyshev, V.V.Dyachenko, V.K.Gusev, Yu.V.Petrov, N.V.Sakharov Numerical modeling and experimental study of ICR heating in the spherical tokamak Globus-M A.F.Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute, St.Petersburg, Russia
Outline 1. Specific features of ICRH experiments on spherical tokamaks. 2. Model for numerical simulation. 3. Effect of light ion content in plasma on RF heating efficiency (simulation and experiment). 4. Effect of the second hydrogen harmonic position on ion heating.
Specific features of ICR heating at small plasma aspect ratio • Due to strong variation of toroidal magnetic field along major radius, several ion cyclotron harmonics exist simultaneously in plasma cross- section. • For typical conditions of spherical tokamaks (low Bt and high ne) it is necessary to use low frequency RF power (5-10 МHZ). So the wavelength is much larger than plasma dimensions and width of resonance and cut-off zones. • Tokamak Globus-M operates with high hydrogen concentration (10-50)% in deuterium plasma. • The shadow of the limiter in Globus-M is too shallow to place there a multi-element antenna to excite a well shaped wave spectra .
wcD 2wcD, wcH Cyclotron Harmonics in Globus-M 3wcD Magnetic fields in equatorial plane of Globus-M Cyclotron harmonic positions in Globus-M cross-section for 7.5 MHz at B0=0.4 T
Dispersion Curves for 7.5 MHz Blue lines – FMS waves, red lines – Bernstein waves Broken lines – imaginary part of refractive indices
Model accepted for numerical simulation Plasma is confined between two cylindrical surfaces. All plasma parameters change in radial direction only. They follow the behavior of plasma parameters in the equatorial plane of the real Globus-M tokamak. Cyclotron absorption, magnetic pumping and Landau damping are included in the code. The effects related to poloidal inhomogeneity are absent in the calculations. Spectra of excited waves are calculated using 3-D antenna model.
RF Energy Absorption Profiles absorption by electrons(TTMP and Landau damping) absorption by protons and by deuterons (cyclotron absorption and Bernstein wave absorption)
Spectrum excited by a single-loop antenna The peaks correspond to resonator modes excited in the chamber (calculated in the cylindrical geometry). The broken line shows the idealized spectrum if all excited waves are completely absorbed in the plasma without any reflection from inner plasma layers.
Spectra excited by various antennas Spectrum of a set of 4 one-loop antennas (in 0π0π mode). Spectrum of single-loop antenna
RF Energy Absorption Profilesin case of 4 antennas absorption by electrons(TTMP and Landau damping) absorption by protons and by deuterons (cyclotron absorption and Bernstein wave absorption)
Comparison of absorption profiles for different antennas - 1 A single-loop antenna A set of 4 antennas
Comparison of absorption profiles for different antennas - 2 A single-loop antenna A set of 4 antennas
Energy Spectra of Ionswith/without RF pulse IP= 185kA ne(0)=3.1019 m-3 Pinp=120 kW f = 7.5 MHz
Evolution of Ion Temperaturewith/without RF pulse IP=185 kA ne(0)=3.1019 m-3 Pinp=120 kW f = 7.5 MHz RF
Ion heating in dependence on H-concentration The 2nd H-harmonic is absent in the plasma volume. B0 = 0.4 T, ne(0) ≈ 3.1019 m-3, IP = 195 – 230 kA, f = 7.5 MHz, Pinp = 120 kW. Bt/Bt0=1 In OH-regime TD=TH=180-200 eV
calculated for equatorial Globus-M parameters: Bo = 0.4 T, Ip= 200 kA, Ne(0)= 51013cm-3. RF energy absorption profiles for CH=20% absorption by electrons(TTMP and Landau damping) absorption by protons and by deuterons (cyclotron absorption and Bernstein wave absorption)
Ion Temperature Behaviorin dependence on Bt Bt0=0.4 T Ip= 190-210 kA CH=15%, 30% f = 7.5 MHz Pinp= 120 kW In OH regime TD=180-200 eV
TH/TD ratio in dependence on Bt Bt0=0.4 T Ip= 190-210 kA CH=15% f = 7.5 MHz Pinp= 120 kW In OH regime TD=180-200 eV a=23 cm r – position of 2nd H-harmonic in cross-section at given Bt/Bto r=17,5 cm 21 cm 26 cm 23
Ion heating in dependence on H-concentration with/without the 2nd H-harmonic Bt/Bt0=1 Bt=0.8Bt0 In OH-regime TD=TH=180-200 eV
The ICRF heating experiments were carried out on the Globus-M spherical tokamak where conditions for several cyclotron harmonics were fulfilled simultaneously. • The experiments with hydrogen-deuterium plasma have shown that the ion heating efficiency does not practically depend of concentration of light ion component but increases slightly with rise of CH from 10% to 70% . • It is shown that presence of 2nd H-harmonic in front of the antenna diminishes efficiency of on-axis ion heating. • Experimental results are in agreement with numerical modeling by 1-D wave code. Conclusions
RF antenna set-upand voltage distribution in the antenna resonator
Globus-M characteristics Parameter DesignedAchieved Toroidal magnetic field0.62 T0.55 T Plasma current 0.5 MA0.36 MA Major radius 0.36 m 0.36 m Minor radius 0.24 m 0.24 m Aspect ratio 1.5 1.5 Vertical elongation2.2 2.0 Triangularity 0.3 0.45 Average density 11020 m-3 0.71020m-3 Pulse duration 0.2 s 0.085 s Safety factor, edge4.5 2 Toroidal beta 25% ~10% OH ICRF power 1.0 MW 0.5 MW Frequency 8 -30 MHz 7–30 MHZ Duration 30 mc 30 mc NBI power 1.0 MW 0.7 Mw Energy 30 keV 30 keV Duration 30 mc 30 mc
Magnetic Field DistributionIn equatorial plane of the Globus-M chamber R0 = 36 cm, a0 = 23 cm B0 = 0.4 T, Ip= 250 kA,f=9 MHz blue line – toroidal vacuum field green line – poloidal field violet line – paramagnetic field red line – full magnetic field dashedred line – full magnetic field without paramagnetic component