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The LHC Machine and Experiments. Gigi Rolandi – CERN PH. The LHC machine. First full LHC cell (~ 120 m long) : 6 dipoles + 4 quadrupoles; successful tests at nominal current (12 kA). 8.4 Tesla. More than half of the 1232 dipoles are produced. Lowering of the first dipole
The LHC Machine and Experiments Gigi Rolandi – CERN PH Gigi Rolandi - CERN
The LHC machine First full LHC cell (~ 120 m long) : 6 dipoles + 4 quadrupoles; successful tests at nominal current (12 kA) 8.4 Tesla Gigi Rolandi - CERN More than half of the 1232 dipoles are produced
Lowering of the first dipole into the tunnel (March 2005) The magnet production proceeds very well and is on schedule, also the quality of the magnets is very good Gigi Rolandi - CERN
28th June: 49 dipoles installed Gigi Rolandi - CERN
LHC construction and installation Cryogenics (QRL) in the tunnel Interconnection of the dipoles On the critical path for the first collisions, is the installation of the LHC in the tunnel, in particular due to delays in the cryogenic services lines (QRL) which initially had problems, and for which a recovery plan was implemented successfully Dipole installation in the tunnel Gigi Rolandi - CERN
LHC installation and hardware commissioning plan Gigi Rolandi - CERN
QRL installation is now proceeding smoothly. • The main remaining problem is the fast ramp up of production of service modules to feed the installation sites at the speed required. • Machine installation has started. • Hardware commissioning finished by end June 2007. Ready for beam. Lyn Evans’ conclusions from the his presentation at the last RRB on the LHC status (end April 2005) Gigi Rolandi - CERN
Objectives for the Pilot RUN Reach a Luminosity of 1032 Low Luminosity run at 25 ns separation Difficult to speculate further on what the performancemight be in the first year. As always, CERN accelerators departments will do their best ! Lyn Evans Gigi Rolandi - CERN
LHCb Spectrometer OT Muon System Magnet RICH1 VELO RICH2 Calo. System TT Gigi Rolandi - CERN
LHCb Experimental Area RICH1 shielding-box in front of magnet magnet Hcal Ecal Fe muon filters Gigi Rolandi - CERN
LHCb Level-1/High Level Trigger and DAQ PT Level-0: 40 MHz1 MHz Level-1: 1 MHz40 KHz Level-1 data (VELO, TT, L0-info) with a possibility to include Tracker, Muon, L0-Calo HLT data (all data) 40kHz @ 50kB/event 1MHz @ ~5kB/event Network Switches sub- farm sub- farm sub- farm sub- farm sub- farm commercial components … storage device network decision 2000 Hz Gigi Rolandi - CERN
LHCb Status • Good achievement made for the construction of many subsystems • Construction of the muon chambers is proceeding with tight planning • Pilot Run commission run for calibration alignment (J/Psi ….x-sections…) LHCb will be ready to fully exploit LHC since day one Gigi Rolandi - CERN
ALICE ALICE Detector Size: 16 x 26 meters Weight: 10,000 tons TOF TRD HMPID TPC PMD ITS Muon Arm PHOS Gigi Rolandi - CERN
still largest magnet • magnet volume: 12 m long, 12 m high • 0.5 T solenoidal field The ALICE Magnet: ready for the experiment to move in! Gigi Rolandi - CERN
Largest ever TPC 88 m3 Gigi Rolandi - CERN
ALICE INSTALLATION • ‘initial working detector’ for initial pp and HI physics • Pb-Pb initial L ~ few 1025 cm-2s-1 (1/20 of design) => large cross section processes • Some of the most interesting results of RICH came out in the first few days: Global event properties. • aim for ‘complete detector’ for collisions in 2008 • 50% of TRD , 3 out of 5 PHOS Initial working detector well on track for collisions in summer 2007 Gigi Rolandi - CERN
Compact Muon Solenoid SUPERCONDUCTING COIL Total weight : 12,500 t Overall diameter : 15 m Overall length : 21.6 m Magnetic field : 4 Tesla Silicon Microstrips Pixels CALORIMETERS ECAL HCAL Scintillating PbWO4 crystals Plastic scintillator/brass sandwich IRON YOKE TRACKER MUON ENDCAPS MUON BARREL Drift Tube Resistive Plate Cathode Strip Chambers Chambers Resistive Plate Chambers Chambers Gigi Rolandi - CERN
CMS Assembly Sequence Underground Surface Prepare infrastructure in USC Construct barrel yoke & cable Install shielding in UXC Prepare solenoid vac tank Prepare infrastructure in UXC Construct endcap yoke & cable Assemble hadron calorimeters Complete ECAL barrel & cable Install muon chambersin yoke Assemble coil & insert in vac tank Install Tracker and cable Install beam-pipe Insert barrel HCAL inside coil Close experiment and commission TEST MAGNET FIRST PHYSICS Lower underground in big entities Install ECAL endcap & pixel Gigi Rolandi - CERN
CMS Magnet Status Cold mass of CMS coil complete Swiveling and Insertion tests With dummy coil Gigi Rolandi - CERN
CMS Heavy Lowering Heavy lowering will start in Mar 2006, after magnet test 15 heavy lifts of about 1 week duration each. Heaviest piece (central wheel + solenoid) 2000 tonnes. Gigi Rolandi - CERN
CMS Barrel Muon Spectrometer 70% of DT chambers assembled, 15% installed Gigi Rolandi - CERN
CMS Endcap Muon Spectrometer All 400 chambers produced ! CSC installation 60% CSCs installed, 50% commissioned with cosmic rays Gigi Rolandi - CERN
CMS Tracker TIB Shells Gigi Rolandi - CERN
CMS Commissioning • Now :detectors being commissioned with cosmic rays also in large chunks, addressing system issues. • Q1 06, cosmic challenge: slice test of CMS during the Magnet Test • Test with cosmic rays will continue in the pit after installation and re-cabling • Pilot run:Assume that we get a reasonable amount of collision data which are completed by Beam Gas/Beam Halo Muon datasets • LVL1/HLT/DAQ: Timing-in, data coherence, sub-system synchronization, calibration, debug algorithms, … • ECAL and HCAL calibration :Intercalibrate barrel crystals - “Phi Symmetry Method” ~2% and Cross check and complete source calibration for HCAL channels ~2% • Tracker and Muon alignment : Align the tracker strip detector significantly below the 100 mm level, Align the muon chambers at the 100 mm level Gigi Rolandi - CERN
CMS Status • Civil Engineering is off the Critical Path • Magnet: Coil connected. Start swivelling preparations in June 2005. Q1-06 end magnet test and cosmic challenge & start heavy lowering April 06 • HCAL, Muons : construction on schedule and well advanced. • TO WATCH: • ECAL: Crystals production, new contracts signed with two vendors. • TRACKER: Hybrid production and tracker integration at CERN. *ECAL endcaps and pixels (even though ready) will be installed during winter 2007 shutdown in time for physics run in 2008. Initial CMS* detector will be ready and closed for beam on 30 June 2007. Gigi Rolandi - CERN
TOTEM • beta* = 1540 m, 43 bunches, low emittance • Plus large t elastic scattering at 18 m • 3 x 1-day runs at 1540 plus 2 short runs at 18 m • Roman Pots at 10 , high beam stability, low BGs Requires special machine conditions– similar to polarization at LEP. The difficulty and challenge of TOTEM operation is coming from the requested precision for both optics & beams. Roman Pots at ~10 imply : collimators must be set to 6/7 s. e* ~ 1 mm, ~ 4 times smaller than nominal : collimator gaps 1 mm
ATLAS ATLAS superimposed to the 5 floors of building 40 Diameter 25 m Barrel toroid length 26 m End-cap end-wall chamber span 46 m Overall weight 7000 Tons Gigi Rolandi - CERN
ATLAS Installation 5 out of 8 coils installed End of coil installation by july 05 Gigi Rolandi - CERN
ATLAS MDT Chamber production Gigi Rolandi - CERN
ATLAS LAr EM Barrel Calorimeter and Solenoid Commissioning The barrel EM calorimeter is installed in the cryostat, and after insertion of the solenoid, the cold vessel was closed and welded A successful complete cold test (with LAr) was made during summer 2004 in hall 180 End of October the cryostat was transported to the pit, and lowered into the cavern LAr barrel EM calorimeter after insertion into the cryostat Solenoid just before insertion into the cryostat Gigi Rolandi - CERN
ATLAS combined test beam in 2004 Geant4 simulation of test-beam set-up y x z Towards the complete experiment: ATLAS Full “vertical slice” of ATLAS tested on CERN H8 beam line May-November 2004 For the first time, all ATLAS sub-detectors integrated and run together with common DAQ, “final” electronics, DCS, etc. Gained lot of global operation experience during ~ 6 month run. Common ATLAS software used to analyze the data Gigi Rolandi - CERN
ATLAS Commissioning • Commissioning with physics data proceeds in four phases: • Phase 3:Cosmics running initial physics alignment / calibration of the detector debugging of sub-systems, mapping dead channels etc. • Phase 4:One beam in the machine beam-halo muons and beam-gas events more detailed alignment / calibration etc. • Phase 5 :First pp collisions : prepare the trigger and the detector • tune trigger menus / measure efficiencies • begin to measure reconstruction efficiencies, fake rates, energy scales, resolutions etc. • Phase 6:Commissioning of physics channels • Improve measurements • begin to understand backgrounds to discovery channels … Gigi Rolandi - CERN
ATLAS Commissioning – cosmic rays First Cosmic ray observed by ATLAS Hadron Tilecal calorimeter in the pit on June 20th • One track reconstructed in Muon chambers • Two tracks reconstructed in Inner Detector • Will happen every ~ 10 s Gigi Rolandi - CERN
ATLAS Status • Component construction is (almost) complete for several sub-systems, The completion of the Inner detector is proceeding with very tight planning. • emphasis has shifted to integration, installation and commissioning • Large-scale surface system tests, in particular the combined test beam runs, have been a very major activity in 2004 • There is very good progress of the schedule-critical magnet assembly, and on the general installation status and activities in the cavern • The commissioning has started: organization, planning, activities Atlas is on Track for collisions in summer 2007 and physics still in 2007 Gigi Rolandi - CERN
CONCLUSIONS • Laboratory fully committed to the LHC project • Machine : past year achievements have been impressive giving robustness to the schedule • Main objective remains to complete LHC installation towards end of 2006 and to get first beams by summer 2007 • Experiments : generally on track for ready for beam in middle 2007. Emphasis now on commissioning and preparation for pilot run. Gigi Rolandi - CERN