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SUSHI!. BY RICKY OAKLEY. WHAT IS SUSHI?. Sushi is a common food in Japan and is mainly different types of filling with rice. TYPES OF SUSHI:. Oshizushi. Nigiri-zushi. There are many types of sushi some are: Nigiri-zushi: contains rice and a little bit of wasabi.

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  2. WHAT IS SUSHI? Sushi is a common food in Japan and is mainly different types of filling with rice.

  3. TYPES OF SUSHI: Oshizushi Nigiri-zushi There are many types of sushi some are: Nigiri-zushi: contains rice and a little bit of wasabi. Oshizushi: is filled with rice and toppings.

  4. THE NAME? Sushi rice The name Sushi came about because the rice in the Sushi is Sushi rice.

  5. WHERE CAN YOU FIND IT? • You can buy sushi at a place in highpoint called SUSHI-SUSHI And at that place there are many types of sushi.

  6. SUSHI PRICES: Sushi can be at many different pieces depending in the place you are eating it at. I am referring to the Sushi Sushi prices at highpoint. UnagiNigirican be brought @ $1.50 each* Nori Roll can be brought @ $2.20 each* sssssss *Prices may vary from store to store

  7. BIBLIOGRAPHY: Internet sites: http://www.sushisushi.com.au http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sushi http://images.google.com/images?um=1&hl=en&safe=active&rls=com.microsoft%3Aen-au%3AIE-SearchBox&rlz=1I7ADBS&q=sushi+&btnG=Search+Images

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