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17 minutes ago - COPY LINK TO DOWNLOAD : https://koencoeng-ygtersakity.blogspot.mx/?lophe=0983215200 | get [PDF] Download The People's Guide to the United States Constitution | Although we are constantly bombarded with arguments over constitutional issues in the media, surveys show most Americans have not read and understood our Constitution even though it is just 25 pages long. The reason? The language of our Constitution written by our Founding Fathers is over 200 years old with lots of unusual words and legal terms.The People8217s Guide to the United States Constitution is an easy-to-read and understand, spin-free guide to our Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the amendments and the Declaration of Independence.This book provides the essential historical context and explains important definitions of the language used at the time they were written, so that you can read straight through the original texts and gain confidence in your own understanding of the powerful and exciting agreements written to guarantee your freedom.This book will help answer questions such as:Are our rights being protected or eroded?What is the true purpose of government and what are its duties?Why was the Bill of Rights written?Individuals should read this book to protect their rights and liberty and insist their elected officials read and understand the U.S. Constitution. Many have used this book to gain U.S. citizenship. Many home schoolers use it to learn about America, our government and politics.The Constitution is a framework for cooperation and is the basis of civics and citizenship. When everyone knows it you8217ll have millions of people helping to protect your rights in a more harmonious civilization. Protect your rights by encouraging your friends and elected representatives to read the Constitution.<br>
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