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Direct photon production in heavy-ion collisions. Ben-Wei Zhang T-16, Los Alamos National Laboratory. Collaborator: Ivan Vitev. Motivations. Hard Probes: initial-state VS final-state. QGP signatures help to tell whether a new kind of matter is produced in heavy-ion collisions.
Direct photon production in heavy-ion collisions Ben-Wei Zhang T-16, Los Alamos National Laboratory Collaborator: Ivan Vitev
Hard Probes: initial-state VS final-state • QGP signatures help to tell whether a new kind of matter is produced in heavy-ion collisions. • From SPS to RHIC, and to LHC, the colliding energy is larger and larger, hard probes will become more and more important: jet quenching, J/psi suppression, … • Applications of hard probes: asymptotic freedom, factorization…. • We need observables to constrain the initial-state nuclear effects in order to enjoy the power of hard probes.
Photon Production • God’s answer: God Said, “Let there be light”. And there was light. God saw that the light was good, … ------ From HOLY BIBLE • In physicists’ eyes: 1) Photon doesn’t strongly interact with the produced medium (a << as), so direct photon is a good tool to study cold nuclear matter effect (Cronin, shadowing…) 2) Large enhancement due to photon production in the QGP: medium-induced photon emission in the QGP, jet-photon conversion in the QGP??
A systematic study of direct photon Production in heavy ion collisions • Different systems: d+Cu, d+Au, Cu+Cu, Au+Au. • Different center of mass energies: 62.4GeV, 200GeV. • Different hot nuclear medium effects: jet quenching, photon emission, jet-photon conversion. • Different cold nuclear effects: Cronin effect, shadowing effect, cold nuclear energy loss, isospin effect . Ivan Vitev and BWZ, arXiv:0804.3805
Compton LO Annihilation g q γ q g γ q g q Direct photon in pp collisions Direct photon: annihilation, Compton, bremmstrahlung LO Bremmstrahlung
parton hadrons ph E g q γ q g γ q g q Direct photon in AA: Jet quenching • Parton energy loss(FS) in the QGP will effectively modify the parton fragmentation func. (PFF) Gyulassy-Levai-Vitev(GLV) formalism Gyulassy, Levai, Vitev, NPB 594(2001)371 Probability distribution
Medium-induced photon emission • An energetic parton propagating in hot medium may radiate photons as well as gluons: another source of photon production Induced gluons Induced photons Zakharov, JETP Lett. 80(2004)1. • It has been argued that medium-induced photon emission may give large enhancement to photon production.
Gluon radiative amplitude for single scattering of a fast on-shell quark: Gluon versus Photon • Without three-gluon vertex, is photon emission a simple exercise ?? • Theoretical approaches developed to describe gluon emission cannot be directly generalized to photon radiation.
Photon emission Photon bremsstrahlung contributions vanish beyond second order in opacity.
photon emission: analytic results • Two limits; interference is important. • Leading contribution is L-dependence, with non-linear corrections with L. • Number of interactions <n> =
Jet-photon conversion in QGP • High-energy photon could be produced by conversion of a jet passing through the QGP due to jet-thermal interaction. R. Fries et al., PRL90,132301(2003)
Jet quenching Photon emission Jet conversion f(t) gives the time dependence of radiative energy loss. Medium modified FF • Effective fragmentation functions for obtaining photons from partons are:
Cold nuclear effects (I) • Initial-state energy loss: partons may also lose energy in cold nuclei before hard scattering. due to energy fluctuations I. Vitev, PRC 75(2007)064906 • Shadowing effect: is calculated from the coherent final-state parton interactions. Qiu, Vitev, PRL 93(2004)262301; Qiu, Vitev, PLB 632(2006)507.
Cold nuclear effects (II) • EMC effect:use the parametrization by EKS. • Isospin effect:Direct photon cross-sections for p+p, p+n and n+n are different ( p= uud, n= udd ): different electric charges of u and d quark ( eq2). • Cronin effect: Eskola, Kolhinen, Salgado, EPJC 9(1999)61. I. Vitev, PLB 562(2003)36.
Direct photon in d+A collisions • When pT < 6 GeV, Cronin effect is dominant. • When pT > 6 GeV, isospin effect is very important. • Initial-state energy loss contributes substantially. • When pT~15 GeV, nuclear effects suppress direct photon produ. by 20-40%. • Nuclear effects are more pronounced at 62.4GeV. • Big error bars in data don’t give tight constraints on different nuclear effects.
Direct photon in A+A collisions (I) • Direct photon prod. is dominated by cold nuclear effects and amplified by two large nuclei. • At small pT, RAA> RdA and RAuAu> RCuCu while at high pT, RAA< RdA and RAuAu< RCuCu. Nuclear effects in larger nuclear systems are larger. • Large Cronin enhancement is excluded.
Direct photon in A+A collisions (II) • Incoherent photon emission is ruled out. • Jet conversion contributes at pT < 5 GeV, ~ 25%. • Medium-induced photon is limited to ~ 10%. • At high pT region, total enhancement contribution is found to be ~5%. • Reduction of fragment. photons contributes at large pT . • No large enhancement of direct photon production due to medium-induced photon emission and jet-photon conversion.
Summary • We derived the medium-induced photon production in GLV formalism: coherent interference will strongly suppress medium-induced photon bremsstrahlung. • We study direct photon production systematically in different nuclear sizes with different colliding energies by including many different nuclear effects consistently: 1) Contributions of photons created via final-state interactions is limited to ~35% for 2GeV< pT< 5GeV, and about ~5% at high pT.. 2) Cold-nuclear effects dominate in the whole range. Cronin effect is dominant pT < 6 GeV, and isospin effect is important when pT > 6 GeV as well as initial-energy loss.
In the abode of light are the origins of truth, and from the source of darkness are the origins of error. From the Dead Sea Scrolls Thank you!
We don’t consider… • We focus on direct photon production with large pT, and neglect thermal photon production, which gives contribution only to photon production at low pT. • Thermal photon production in the QGP: • Thermal photon production in hadronic gas: …… ……
QCD QGP It would be interesting to explore new phenomena by distributing high energy or high nuclear density over a relatively large volume. T. D. Lee Lattice QCD predicts phase of thermal QCD matter with sharp rise in number of degrees of freedom near Tc=170MeV.
All orders in opacity Photon bremsstrahlung contributions vanish beyond second order in opacity.
Initial-state energy loss • Partons may also lose energy by interacting with other partons in cold nuclei before hard scattering. I. Vitev, PRC 75(2007)064906 due to energy fluctuations
Shadowing effect • Shadowing effect is calculated from the coherent final-state parton interactions. Qiu, Vitev, PRL 93(2004)262301; Qiu, Vitev, PLB 632(2006)507.