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I’m a Believer

I’m a Believer. By Mrs. Teitsma. Section A: 0:00-0:26. This section reminds me of fairy tales. Instruments: Drums, bass, electric, keyboard, voice Dynamic: Mezzo forte (Medium loud)

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I’m a Believer

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Presentation Transcript

  1. I’m a Believer By Mrs. Teitsma

  2. Section A: 0:00-0:26 • This section reminds me of fairy tales. • Instruments: Drums, bass, electric, keyboard, voice • Dynamic: Mezzo forte (Medium loud) “I always felt and still feel that fairy tales have an emotional truth that is so deep that there are few things that really rival them.” Alice Hoffman

  3. Section B: 0:26-0:48 • This section reminds me of believing in something. • Instruments: Drums, bass guitar, electric guitar, keyboard, voice • Dynamic: Forte (loud) “Faith consists in believing when it is beyond the power of reason to believe.” --Voltaire

  4. Section A: 0:48-1:10 • This section reminds me of happiness. • Instruments: Drums, bass, electric, keyboard, voice • Dynamic: Mezzo forte (Medium loud) “It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that makes happiness.”Charles Spurgeon

  5. Section B: 1:10-1:31 • The section reminds me of people dancing. • Instruments: Drums, bass guitar, electric guitar, keyboard, voice • Dynamics: Forte (Loud) • “Well, I was going to school in Germany. And in my free time I was dancing.”--Heidi Klum

  6. Section C: 1:31-1:43 • This section reminds me of friends having fun. • Instruments: Drums, bass guitar, electric guitar, keyboard, NO voice • Dynamic: Forte (Loud) • “A friend is one who knows you and loves you just the same.”--Elbert Hubbard

  7. Section A: 1:43-1:53 • This section reminds me of sunshine. • Instruments: Drums, bass guitar, electric guitar, keyboard, voice • Dynamics: Mezzo forte (Medium loud) • “If you think sunshine brings you happiness, then you haven't danced in the rain.” --Unknown

  8. Section B: 1:53-2:17 • This section reminds me of believing in something. • Instruments: Drums, bass guitar, electric guitar, keyboard, voice • Dynamics: Forte (Loud) • “Life's like a movie, write your own ending. Keep believing, keep pretending.”--Jim Henson

  9. Section B: 2:17-3:04 • This section reminds me of believing in something. • Instruments: Drums, bass guitar, electric guitar, keyboard, voice • Dynamics: Fortissimo (Very loud) • “A man lives by believing something: not by debating and arguing about many things.” • --Thomas Carlyle

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