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Interspire Shopping Cart

Interspire Shopping Cart. A New Breed of Ecommerce Software. Problem: Existing Shopping Cart Software Hasn’t Evolved. Your storefront shouldn’t look like it was built in 1995 Traditional shopping cart software still requires expert knowledge in HTML and FTP to modify your store design

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Interspire Shopping Cart

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  1. Interspire Shopping Cart A New Breed of Ecommerce Software

  2. Problem: Existing Shopping Cart Software Hasn’t Evolved • Your storefront shouldn’t look like it was built in 1995 • Traditional shopping cart software still requires expert knowledge in HTML and FTP to modify your store design • Complicated control panels, difficult to manage order processes and inventory can leave you frustrated and buried with work load • Existing ecommerce software doesn’t take advantage of the affordability and power of email marketing and newsletters • Traditional ecommerce software doesn’t give you the business intelligence you need to make effective decisions

  3. What Are Your Options? • You can build your own custom solution • Too costly + time consuming • Requires a dedicated team of experts • Untested software • You can outsource design and features to a third party • Too costly + time consuming • Or use open source software • Impossible to customize • No support when you need it most • Built by programmers with no experience selling online

  4. The Solution: Interspire Shopping Cart • Bundled with professionally designed themes for every business so you’re up and running in hours, not weeks • You can completely customize every aspect of your store – no HTML or FTP knowledge required • Easy-to-use control panel puts all the features you need at your fingertips • Integrated sales and marketing tools to help you sell more online • Built in business intelligence to help you make informed decisions

  5. Your Storefront Shouldn’t Look Like itWas Built in 1995 Unlike traditional ecommerce software that requires HTML and FTP knowledge to customize your storefront, Interspire Shopping Cart includes dozens of store designs that look as good as Amazon, BestBuy.com, Target.com and other money making ecommerce stores:

  6. Your Storefront Shouldn’t Look Like itWas Built in 1995 Before Interspire Shopping Cart

  7. Your Storefront Shouldn’t Look Like itWas Built in 1995 With Interspire Shopping Cart Before Interspire Shopping Cart

  8. Which Storefront Will Sell More? • A professionally designed store increases trust, credibility and ease of use for shoppers. • How much money are you losing because of your current out-dated store design? • How much will it cost to redesign your entire store?

  9. You Shouldn’t be Handcuffed to Hand Coded HTML and FTP • Before Interspire Shopping Cart, customizing your storefront required expert HTML and FTP knowledge. Today, things have changed. Now you can: • Design your store using just drag and drop – no Photoshop skills required • Build a professional logo online, you don’t need graphic skills – or upload your own. • You can create web pages and post news items through your browser so your store is always up to date • Easily edit all website content using just your browser – no HTML or FTP knowledge required • ... If you can use Microsoft Word, you can use Interspire Shopping Cart.

  10. Reach More Customers With aNew Breed of Built in Marketing Tools • It used to take a suite of expensive tools to build, manage and promote your online store. That was before Interspire Shopping Cart. Now: • Your site is optimized for search engines right out of the box. No expensive SEO expert to hire. • You can generate Google and Yahoo Pay Per Click campaigns from your existing products. What used to take hours, now takes seconds. • Automatically collect newsletter subscribers from your store. Does your existing shopping cart do this? • You can now send targeted email campaigns to customers and prospects. No other shopping cart takes advantage of the profitability of email marketing like Interspire Shopping Cart. • Create promotional banners online (No Photoshop experience required) and much, much more!

  11. A New Breed of Control Panel • A beautiful user interface shouldn’t be limited to desktop software. That’s why Interspire Shopping Cart was designed with YOU in mind. • Imagine a control panel that is so user friendly you enjoy customer and order management. Interspire Shopping Cart is just that. Clean, clear, easy to use, step by step instructions to turn you and your staff into power users in only a few hours. • No training time. No learning curve. Shouldn’t your existing shopping cart software be this easy to use? • Does your existing shopping cart have step by step instructions on every store interaction? How much time do you spend wading through help guides and training new staff?

  12. I was very impressed with the user-friendly interface that would allow someone like me (a “DIY-er” with basic computer knowledge and a little HTML / FrontPage experience) to create an ecommerce website that looked good. Gary SmithPolishAndWax.com

  13. A New Breed Of Business Intelligence That Gives You Unprecedented Insight Order Statistics – Revenue Order Statistics – Conversion Rate Product Statistics – Best Selling Customer Statistics – Location (Google Maps) Search Statistics – Popular Keywords

  14. A New Breed Of Business Intelligence That Gives You Unprecedented Insight • See customer locations instantly. Know exactly where to focus your sales efforts • View best selling products by quantity and revenue. Increase sales by promoting what you know is selling • See detailed reports of your top customers by revenue and quantity. Who are your best customers and what are they buying? • Did your recent store promotion work? Find out with detailed conversion rate reports • Which products are people looking to buy? Detailed search reports let you optimize your site based on what people are looking for.

  15. Show Me The Product Live software demo...

  16. Imagine What Your Store Could Be With Interspire Shopping Cart • Improve the buying process for your shoppers with professional design and credibility and watch your sales soar • Minimize your staff training time by using an interface that feels familiar. If they can use Microsoft Word, they can use Interspire Shopping Cart • Watch as more prospects become customers thanks to built in marketing tools including email marketing, automatic up selling and more • Sell more products by seeing exactly what your customers are buying and what they’re looking for

  17. So… How Much Does it Cost? • How much would it cost to have a professional web designer prototype, build, test and maintain your online store? • Would that include all of the features you need now and also those you don’t even realize you’ll need in the future when your store grows? • How much extra would you be charged to make sure your store was lightning fast and could handle tens of thousands of products, visitors and orders without crashing? • How much would it cost to hire a search engine optimization expert to make sure your store ranked in all of the major search engines such as Google and Yahoo?

  18. The Difference is in the Detail

  19. Interspire Shopping Cart – The Value is Built In Interspire Shopping Cart contains *everything* you need not only to start, but also to promote and grow your store. No other Shopping Cart software contains this much value out of the box. How much would it cost you to build the features already included in Interspire Shopping Cart?

  20. What Our Customers Are Saying... “I’m excited about this product because Interspire has proven themselves over and over again year after year. I’m hard to please too. Looking forward to it Interspire!“ “So far I have been very impressed with your shopping cart. I operate [an] online store for over 7 years now and usability in front and back end makes your cart definitely top of the line.“ “I started out with FrontPage and a free shopping cart and knew I would someday upgrade to more professional products. However, I never thought that I could upgrade my website AND my shopping cart with one product. Enter Interspire Shopping Cart.” - WingTsun Australia - Openyourstorefront.com “The shopping cart is absolutely awesome! I can't wait to see what features come next. I really hate to tell you that we have spent many years and well more than US$75,000 customizing/using other commercially available catalogue/shopping carts, and finally developing our own custom catalogue. Nothing we have come up with compares to your offering.” - Meximedia.net My Interspire Shopping Cart site went live on the weekend without a hitch. My existing customers all love the new site. Thanks to you guys for great software that has made my life a lot easier. - Janine TooleAutocrit.com - Glenn Stockton

  21. So…What’s Holding You Back? • When do you want to improve your existing store and start serving your customers better? • Don’t you deserve an online store which reflects your brand and that you can be proud of? • Isn’t it about time you say goodbye to outdated software and step up to a new breed of shopping cart software? • What’s stopping you from enjoying these benefits right now?

  22. Q & A

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