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創立機構 : 國家地理學會 ( 美國的非營利 科學與教育組織 ). 國家地理雜誌. 第一期出版 : 1888 年的 10 月. 每年發行 12 次. 每個月以 33 種的語言出版 數目為九百萬冊 擁有超過 5 千萬的讀者。. 雜誌的內容包括 : 地理 、 科學 、 歷史、 文化 、實事和照片。. http://photography.nationalgeographic.com/photography /.
創立機構: 國家地理學會(美國的非營利 • 科學與教育組織 ) 國家地理雜誌 • 第一期出版 : 1888年的10月
每年發行12次 • 每個月以33種的語言出版 • 數目為九百萬冊 • 擁有超過5千萬的讀者。
雜誌的內容包括 : 地理、科學、歷史、 • 文化、實事和照片。 http://photography.nationalgeographic.com/photography/
Strikingly colored, an adult king penguin stands out in a sea of chicks on South Georgia Island.
This black-headedgull was flying straight at me
The picture was taken at Eden Rock, Grand Cayman. For just a short time every year, these silversides swarm caves and swim-through at Cayman's dive sites
A wet grizzly bear takes a break and dries off on a log.
I took this picture at nighttime in Tanzania. The tree is lit with tent light and the flash.
This photo was taken at Waikawau Bay, Coromandel, New Zealand.
I found this peacocklast April while touring downtown Sarasota
Though stressed, it will likely survive and continue to serve its clownfish.
A bright-beaked puffin is found a haven on the Shiant Islands
In the coastal desert of southern Peru, sprawling figures etched on the land— a spider
Millennia in the making, fantastical chambers like this are decorated by the infinitely slow accumulation of minerals (chiefly calcite) deposited by water dripping through rock.
A dragonfly came to drink the freshwater in the safety of the center of the lily pads.
This is a Cuban tree frog on a tree in my backyard in southern Florida. How and why he ate this light is a mystery.
Dolphins are known to jump out the back of big waves as they break against the shores.
An octopus I came across on a dive sometimes referred to as a "blackwater hang."
This photo of two lowland gorillas was taken at the Bronx Zoo in New York City
A mosaic jellyfish floats serenely in the waters of the Coral Sea, about 100 nautical miles from Cairns, Australia.
It was a priceless opportunity to watch these amazing Southern Masked Weaver constructing their homes
The transparent shells of tiny Cypridina hilgendorfii, found in the coastal waters and sands of Japan.
A shell holds a creature (Bioluminescent Organisms) that emits a luminous blue substance when disturbed. During World War II, the Japanese harvested these creatures for soldiers to use when reading maps and messages at night.
國家地理頻道 國家地理頻道是由美國國家地理學會 於1997年成立的一個製作與播放以自然、 科學、文化與歷史紀錄片的電視頻道。
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無電不生雷? http://www.ngc.com.tw/livecurious/ 如果說無火不生煙,那麼只有閃電沒有 打雷可能嗎?
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大白鯊剋星 http://www.ngc.com.tw/livecurious/ 雖然被閃電擊中的機率比被大白鯊攻擊 還高,但有哪些方法可以嚇走鯊魚?