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Coding Reference for First Computer Exam

Provides guidance and examples for a programming assignment related to lottery, power calculation, and poker game, implemented in C language. Includes sample code and explanations.

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Coding Reference for First Computer Exam

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  1. 第一次上機考參考答案 僅供參考,同學可自行再想更好的方法.

  2. #include<stdio.h> main() { int num[6]={3,8,15,22,25,41}; int num2[6]; int i,j,count=0; char flag,flag2; printf("============================\n"); printf(" 歡迎來到樂透彩對獎系統\n"); printf("============================\n"); do{ do{ for(i=0;i<6;i++) { printf("Please input your %d numbers:",i+1); scanf("%d",&num2[i]); if((num2[i]>42)||(num2[i]<1)) { printf("輸入錯誤,請重新輸入!\n"); flag2=1;break; } flag2=0; } }while(flag2==1); for(i=0;i<6;i++) for(j=0;j<6;j++) { if(num2[i]==num[j]) count++; } printf("本期中獎號碼為:3,8,15,22,25,41\n"); switch(count) { case 0: case 1: case 2:printf("您未中獎!\n");break; case 3:printf("恭喜您中普獎!\n");break; case 4:printf("恭喜您中參獎!\n");break; case 5:printf("恭喜您中二獎!\n");break; case 6:printf("恭喜您中頭獎!\n");break; } printf("再對一次獎嗎(y/n)?\n"); scanf(" %c",&flag); }while((flag=='y')||(flag=='Y')); } 1.請寫一程式,可以輸入您的彩券號碼,並輸出中獎情形

  3. 2.試寫一程式計算x的 y 次方 • #include <stdio.h> • #include <stdlib.h> • int power(int xx,int yy) • { • int i; • int total=1 ; • for(i=1;i<=yy;i++) • { • total=total*xx ; • } • return(total) ; • } • int main(void) • { • int x,y ; • printf("Please use a comma\n"); • printf("Pls. input the x and y for power(x,y)") ; • scanf("%d,%d",&x,&y) ; • printf("Result of power(x,y)=%d\n",power(x,y)) ; • system("pause") ; • return 0 ; }

  4. #include<stdlib.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<time.h> #include<math.h> int poker[4][14],user[4][2],sys[4][2],sequence[4]; int main(void) { int card(int,int); void create(void); int compare(void); void show_result(int a[4][2]); int i,j,win=0; printf("------------------------------\n"); printf(" 歡迎來到POKER SYSTEM\n"); printf("------------------------------\n"); for(i=0;i<4;i++) { for(j=0;j<14;j++) poker[i][j]=0; } for(i=0;i<4;i++) { for(j=0;j<2;j++) sys[i][j]=0; } for(i=0;i<4;i++) { for(j=0;j<2;j++) user[i][j]=0; } printf(" 請等候系統發牌\n\n"); create(); win=compare(); printf(" 比賽結果:\n\n"); if(win==0) printf(" 你輸了!!\n"); else if(win==1) printf(" 你贏了!!\n"); else printf(" 平手!!\n"); /*printf("\n 你的牌:\n"); show_result(user); */ printf("\n\n 系統的牌:\n"); show_result(sys); printf("\n------------------------------\n"); system("pause"); return 0; } 3.請將作業1新增加一個功能:可讓使用者輸入出牌的順序。

  5. void create(void) { int i=0,j=0,count=0,x=0,y=0,flag=0; do{ x=0; y=0; srand(time(0)); x=(rand()%13)+1; /*x為數字*/ y=(rand()%4); /*y為花色*/ flag=card(x,y); if(flag==1) continue; else { count++; if(count<=4) /*前四次是user的牌*/ { user[i][0]=x; user[i][1]=y; i++; } else /*後四次是system的牌*/ { sys[j][0]=x; sys[j][1]=y; j++; } } }while(count<=8); } int card(int x1,int y1) /*確認不會發出一樣的牌*/ { int redo=0; if(poker[x1][y1]==0) poker[x1][y1]=1; else redo=1; return redo; }

  6. int compare(void) /*比大小*/ { int i,j,k=0,sys_count=0,user_count=0,win=0; printf("\n 你的牌:\n"); show_result(user); printf("\n\n 請問您的出牌順序是?(輸入時請以空白隔開)"); for(k=0;k<4;k++) scanf("%d",&sequence[k]); printf("\n"); for(i=0,k=0,j=0;i<4;i++) { j=sequence[i]; j--; if(user[j][0]>sys[i][0]) /*先比數字*/ user_count++; else if(user[j][0]==sys[i][0]) /*若數字相同再比花色*/ { if(user[j][1]>sys[i][1]) user_count++; else sys_count++; /*系統贏一次*/ } else sys_count++; } if(sys_count>user_count) win=0; else if(sys_count<user_count) win=1; else win=2; return win; } void show_result(int a[][2]) { int i,j; for(i=0;i<4;i++) { printf(" (%d)",i+1); switch(a[i][1]) { case 3: printf("\006"); break; /*黑桃*/ case 2: printf("\003"); break; /*紅心*/ case 1: printf("\004"); break; /*方塊*/ case 0: printf("\005"); break; /*梅花*/ } switch(a[i][0]) { case 1: printf("A "); break; case 11: printf("J "); break; case 12: printf("Q "); break; case 13: printf("K "); break; default: printf("%d ",a[i][0]); break; } } }

  7. #include<stdio.h> void in(void),count(void); int salary[5]={0},t[5]={0}; char name[5][15]; int main() { int flag=1,num; do{ printf("===================\n"); printf("| employee system |\n"); printf("| 1.input data |\n"); printf("| 2.count salary |\n"); printf("| 3.exit |\n"); printf("===================\n"); printf("Please input number(1-3):"); scanf("%d",&num); printf("\n"); switch(num) { case 1:in();break; case 2:count();break; case 3:flag=0;break; default:printf("You input error!!\n"); } }while(flag); return 0; } void in() { int i,num; printf("Please input number of employee(Max5):"); scanf("%d",&num); fflush(stdin); printf("\n"); for(i=0;i<num;i++) { printf("%d. name:",i+1); gets(name[i]); printf("%d. salary:",i+1); fflush(stdin); scanf("%d",&salary[i]); printf("%d. work hour:",i+1); fflush(stdin); scanf("%d",&t[i]); fflush(stdin); } printf("\n"); } 4.撰寫「員工薪資系統」

  8. void count() • { • int num; • char query; • do{ • printf("Please input Query number of employee{"); • printf("If exit, please input \"q\"}: \n"); • fflush(stdin); • scanf("%c",&query); • if(query>='1' && query<='5') • { • num=query-48; • printf("-----------------------------\n"); • printf("number of employee: %d\n",num); • printf("name: %s\n",name[num-1]); • printf("salary: %d\n",salary[num-1]); • printf("work hour: %d\n",t[num-1]); • printf("Total salary: %d\n",salary[num-1]*t[num-1]); • printf("-----------------------------\n"); • } • else if(query='q') • { • printf("QUIT!!\n\n"); • } • else • { • printf("You input error!!\n"); • } • }while(query!='q'); • }

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