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REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE. 9632024 蘇怡今 指導教授:任維廉教授. OUTLINE. The research topic The literature review The use of the literature Design techniques The definition of terms A quantitative or mixed methods literature review. THE RESEARCH TOPIC.

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  1. REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE 9632024 蘇怡今 指導教授:任維廉教授

  2. OUTLINE • The research topic • The literature review • The use of the literature • Design techniques • The definition of terms • A quantitative or mixed methods literature review

  3. THE RESEARCH TOPIC • The topic is the subject or subject matter of a proposed study • Draft a brief title • Complete this sentence , “My study is about…” • Be brief and avoid wasting words • Pose the topic as a brief question

  4. A TOPIC CAN AND SHOULD BE RESEARCHED? • Can • researchers have participant willing • Investigators have resources to collect data • Should • More complex matter • Transforms the ideas and beliefs of the research • Researcher is interest in the topic • Researcher’s personal goals

  5. THE LITERATURE REVIEW • It shares with the reader the results of other studies • It provides a framework for establishing the importance of the study

  6. THE USE OF THE LITERATURE • Qualitative • Exploratory • Learn from participant • Quantitative • Includes a substantial amount of literature at to provide direction for the research questions or hypotheses • Mixed studies • Use either a quantitativeor a qualitative approach to the literature


  8. DESIGN TECHNIQUES • Steps in conducting a literature review • Searching computerized database • A priority for selecting literature material • A literature map of the research • Abstracting studies • Style manuals

  9. DESIGN TECHNIQUES • Steps in conducting a literature review • Identify key words • Go to the library and begin searching • Locate about 50 reports • Duplicate those that are central to your topic • Design literature map • Draft summaries of the most relevant articles • Assemble the literature review

  10. DESIGN TECHNIQUES • Searching computerized database • Use both online literature database and academic library • Search several databases • Use guides to terms to locate your articles • Locate an article that is close to your topic • Full-text copies of your articles as much as possible

  11. DESIGN TECHNIQUES • A priority for selecting literature material • Look for summaries of the literature on your topic • Journal articles , national journals • Books • Recent conference papers • Dissertation abstracts • Web

  12. DESIGN TECHNIQUES • A literature map of the research • One of the first tasks for a researcher working • Hierarchical structure-from top to down • Flowchart-from left to right • A series of circles

  13. DESIGN TECHNIQUES • Abstracting studies • Mention the problem being addressed • State the central purpose or focus of the study • Briefly state information • Review key results that relate to the proposed study • If it is methodological review, point out technical and methodological flaws in the study

  14. DESIGN TECHNIQUES • Style manuals • Provide guidelines for creating a scholarly style of a manuscript • In-text references • End-of-text references • Headings • Footnotes • Tables and figures

  15. THE DEFINITION OF TERMS • Define a term when it first appears in the proposal • Write definitions at a specific operational or applied level • Do not define the terms in everyday language • Develop a separate section

  16. THE DEFINITION OF TERMS • Qualitative • Do not include separate sections • Quantitative • Place the definition of terms in separate sections • Mixed methods studies

  17. A QUANTITATIVE OR MIXED METHODS LITERATURE REVIEW • Introduce the review by telling the reader about the sections included in it • Address the scholarly literature about the independent variable or variables • Incorporate the scholarly literature about the depend variable or variables • Include the the scholarly literature that relates the independent varable(s) to the depend variable(s) • Provide a summary

  18. SUMMARY • Identify your topic • Brief title • Qualitative, Quantitative, Mixed methods designs • Identify key words • Define key terms

  19. THE END

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